CCrs.....unite against burglars.

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Cake or ice cream? The choice is endless ...
Neighbourhood Watch plaques appeared on lampposts ans signposts around here.
No leaflets through the door or notifications of what to do in event of spotting a footpad or ne'er-do-well!

Luckily, we all look out for each other in the Close.
A couple of likely lads were about to hop over my fence, last year, and a neighbour shooed them off and let me know what was going on..
Going back to the point
If you keep stuff (maybe a bike/bikes) in a shed have a look at the hinges
If the screws are on the outside then the door can be taken off easily and quietly using a simple screwdriver

When my wife was selling her old house I went down to do some sorting out and forgot to take any tools with me - I broke into her shed (stop sniggering at the back!!) because the loop the bolt slid into was held on with 2 screws!!

you can overcome this with special security screws that can be tightened but not loosened/removed - or by replacing them with a round headed bolt!


Found in the Yorkshire hills ...
Here we've few issues, primarily because one of the 'known' burglars lives in the Housing Association nearby. They won't burgle their own area.

And I've got a guard cat. It's a bit like a guard dog only it'll attack without warning, aiming for the head. Often found at height, as the local water company representative discovered when the cat we've got landed on him from above :boxing:


leaving the prime targets for themselves.
The more you think about it the more ludicrous it gets.

So you're a burglar and you find this place that was really easy to get into and yielded some good rewards. Would your first thought be:

a) Must remember this place so I can come back for another go when they've replaced everything on the insurance
b) Must tell my competitors

Answers on a postcard to:

a) Yale Security
b) Daily Express
c) NUBR&N*

*National Union of Burglars, Robbers & Ne'er-do-wells


Puzzle game procrastinator!
Put the washing machine on a long cycle, it sounds like you're in.
Timer lights, timed to go on/off in different rooms (place them near the window).
How long will that last for?
Sounds like a fire risk to me - I'd never leave anything running when out.
Do you trust the fridge not burn the place down or do you turn that off when you are out or on holiday? 😁
I remember @Littgull mentioning to me that he didn't go out leaving the washing machine on because of the fire risk. I thought that it was unlikely that a washing machine would catch fire, but apparently they DO...

Passage in article said:
There was a 7% increase in domestic fires started by washing machines comparing the past two financial years, with 624 blazes caused by a washing machine in 2019/20 compared to 558 in 2018/19.

PS There is something wrong in those figures - that would be a 12% increase!


Unite what sort of Union goes against workers.:laugh::blush::becool::tongue::rolleyes:

Chris S

Legendary Member
Do you trust the fridge not burn the place down or do you turn that off when you are out or on holiday? 😁
My insurance policy requires me to turn the electric off if I'm absent for more than a certain number of days. I have to run down my freezer before I go on holiday.


Prepare a way for the Lord
North Hampshire
My insurance policy requires me to turn the electric off if I'm absent for more than a certain number of days. I have to run down my freezer before I go on holiday.
That’s really odd. The backup battery on my alarm / security cameras wouldn’t last long without mains power. Also, if the house is left empty in winter the central heating needs to be left on low to prevent pipes from bursting.
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Gravitationally challenged member
Sounds a bit “ Urban myth “
Burglars carrying around tin openers and cans of beans. The few articles ive seen are all a bit circular, referring to each other and some Welsh PCSO who said to contact the Ploice if people are concerned.
I see that I misspelled “ Police “ the misspelling however reminds me of my Brummie accent Before I moved to Dorset 😁
Where does it say the beans were from tins? Why not dried beans? :huh: They don't make a mess of the pocket!
I read recently that some of the popular makes of electric vehicle chargers were a security risk. They don’t have sufficiently secure password protection so they can be taken over by a thief with a phone parked in the street nearby. This in turn allows them to access your wifi and spoof sites where you would conduct financial transactions, so it looks to the householder that they are logging into their usual purchase site. The householder enters all their usual stuff, logon id, password, card number etc thereby making it all available to the thief.
And all this from a humble ev charger in your drive :eek:
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