CC friedly shirts for a tenner?

Would you buy a mistprinted CC shirt if you could get it for £10?

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John the Monkey

Frivolous Cyclist
Dannyg said:
It sounds like the answer to my original question was :biggrin:.

I'm used to wearing snug fitting cycling tops, and normally get a Medium as my chest is a bit over 40". But if the tops were really on the "small size" I was wondering whether to go for a Large.

JTM - how big is your chest (if you don't mind me asking)?

Danny, I'm around 40", chest but broad across the shoulders (I normally take a 42" for that reason). I'm 6'2" and the length on the Endura jersey is perfect.

My Foska jersey (L) measures 51.2 cm arm pit to arm pit (laid flat) and 73cm from the highest point of the collar to the bottom of the jersey at the back.

My CC jersey is 54.5cm pit to pit and 74cm neck to bottom seam. It certainly feels roomier too (Foska's L is as close to perfect for me as anything I've worn).

This might be moot for the mis-spelled jerseys now, but worth considering if there's another order, perhaps.

John the Monkey

Frivolous Cyclist
ChrisKH said:
So I suppose the question now is, does anyone want a friedly shirt for £20.00?

I'd certainly be interested in a Long Sleeve in Large (either design) as I really wish I'd ordered one (LS) to start with...


Well, I spoke to Endura today. They say that they can't go much below cost on the jerseys.

Seems strange - have a pile of jerseys sitting around in the corner no use to anyone, or make £10 on each jersey? :biggrin::wacko:

Oh well, I didn't want one as it was, but seems strange.


Legendary Member
Strange? It seems extraordinary to me given that we were offering to take the whole lot off them for £500.

Maybe they think they really will become a collector's item.
Oh well. I'm out. £10 for a seconds jersey would have been ok, but £17 is still way too much for me. Seems odd. :thumbsup:


New Member
£17 puts me off. Cheers though Mr Paul.


back and brave
I'd have gone to £17. I don't really understand whether the £20 offer is an option?

I can understand Endura here. It's not a matter of stock value, it's probably just not worth it to them full stop. Cut their losses sort of thing. Maybe it'd just be a PR exercise if they were to do it. Might it also stop them getting further full price orders from us??
Yes I just don't understand it. Do they know there are over 1600 members here, the vast majority of which are active cyclists and who often look to buy jerseys etc? It would have been good business on their part to offer the shirts for £10 even if there was a loss. Think of the good will created. It would certainly have influenced my purchasing in the future.

In fact it probably has influenced me. I am a bit less likely to buy endura now, :thumbsup:


Married to Night Train
Salford, UK
magnatom said:
Yes I just don't understand it. Do they know there are over 1600 members here, the vast majority of which are active cyclists and who often look to buy jerseys etc? It would have been good business on their part to offer the shirts for £10 even if there was a loss. Think of the good will created. It would certainly have influenced my purchasing in the future.

In fact it probably has influenced me. I am a bit less likely to buy endura now, :thumbsup:

I think I'll continue to buy using my normal reasoning - Endura jackets for example, fit me better than Altura. Does seem odd that they won't just cut their losses. I wonder if they don't want substandard stock out there - after all, the story would get told everytime someone spotted the error.

At the end of the day, they've provided the right stuff in the end, and the duff stuff IS their property to do with as they will. No reason why they should give the stuff away cheap.

Of course, it may affect the choice of supplier for the next batch, if there is one.. I guess you weigh up the pros of simply re-ordering with a company who have the template set up, versus the risk of changing to a new company who are an unknown quantity...


Senior Member
Worcs, UK
From what they have said, it isn't duff to them. They are using it as sample material. If the alternative was the bin, then they might as well get a tenner each, but they clearly have a value to them of the cost price. No surprise that they're holding on to them.


Active member of Helmets Are Sh*t Lobby
abchandler said:
From what they have said, it isn't duff to them. They are using it as sample material. If the alternative was the bin, then they might as well get a tenner each, but they clearly have a value to them of the cost price. No surprise that they're holding on to them.

The cost price is irrelevant however if there is not a market for them. I think they are playing the wait and see game. They are hoping that people will contact them directly to take them of their hands for £ 20 however in 2 months time when they are still in their warehouse then the offer of say £ 5 per shirt will be a lot more attractive than the bin and nothing at all.
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