Scotland : The Highlands CC Ecosse Lochs and Glens Tour #CONFIRMED#

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Pat "5mph"

A kilogrammicaly challenged woman
I have to say I can't remember a year when there was so much snow still on the hills at the end of July, but your route will not take you up as high as the snow level.
Think positive:okay:
I'm neither a positive or negative kinda lass, I'm a realistic one :laugh:

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Getting the messages
@Scoosh @DougieAB I found a nice wee back road into Callander on Saturday that avoids the A84 (apart for 1/4 mile at Doune):

If we turn left in Doune and at the bridge take a right to Deanston and follow the B8032 it takes you to just outside Callander. Nice, quiet and scenic.

There is also Cycle Route 76 from Clacks to Stirling - I didn't use it yesterday but I think it would keep us off the busier routes until Causwayside - after that there is a small bump up and over to Doune.

Junior Fu and I will probably take the cycle path from Dunfermline to Clacks so you are welcome to join us there or meet up in Stirling? I may give her the option of a lunch stop at Corrieries Cafe, under the Wallace Monument. Be warned, we will be slow! I'm not going to push her.

Don't worry about us going too fast, I'll be knackered by the time I get to Dunfermline and will welcome a gentle pootle the rest of the way. :bicycle:


Don't worry about us going too fast, I'll be knackered by the time I get to Dunfermline and will welcome a gentle pootle the rest of the way. :bicycle:
:rofl: :rofl: Said by the guy who commutes further in 1 week than I manage in 1 month a couple of months … :blush: … but who is such a gentleman, he even feigns stress on the hills ! ;)


FRB, Rosyth, Crossford, right at lights to start of Dunf- Alloha cycle path, where we TT down to catch the Fubars. Probably a comfortable 2hrs … :bicycle:

Was over there on Thursday and found my way around the Diversion now that Ferrytoll Rd is Closed. :ohmy:


Getting the messages
We just need to sort out meet up times and locations in Edinburgh then with the Fu,s in Dunfermline. We can leave this till nearer the time. Only one full working week left before the grand depart!


Im looking forward to it :cycle:

tug benson

Survived the Tour O the borders 2013
@Fubar I just had a wee look at your ride out to Callander to check out the route you lot will be taking, i see you've went over the big roundabout between Dunblane and Bridge of allan, i know its a busy roundabout and some folk might not be keen on it, so when i cycle out that way i take the road below, it might look like a tough wee climb but trust me it isn't that bad and it does cut out going up that road out of Bridge of allan and then going over that crazy roundabout

Pat "5mph"

A kilogrammicaly challenged woman
Right guys, we did it, @flyingfifi and I. From Callander to Glasgow along NCR7.
Truly, I never want to do it again, beautiful views, oh, yes, but what a route!
Never mind a MB, a mountain goat would have struggled.
We took the train from Glasgow to Dunblane along a quiet route Fiona found, then rode to Callander.
For some reason the Dunblane trip is not appearing on Strava, here is the link from Garmin Connect.
We found our hostel, Tesco, the continuation of the route to Pitlocry, all good.
We had a coffee then set out to ride back to Glasgow along route 7, following the signs. Strava here.
Took us 2 and a half hours to do the 15 odd miles to Aberfoyle. Steep uphill potholed bends, massive stones, tree logs, steep gravel downhills, any hazard you want to name, it was all on that stretch of path. Still, we did not walk any, apart from a couple of really dodgy downhills, Fiona actually took a tumble, and she is an experience MBiker.
We had lunch in Aberfoyle, then carried on: after a pleasant couple of miles, we got hit with about 10 miles of steep uphills, some rolling, some had to be walked, We where in the middle of deserted forest back roads. In fairness, we saw a couple of roadies emerging from one of the side streets, they rode up the hill we were walking, seemed struggling though ... them, imagine us!
After we emerged from the forest, it said 9 miles to Balloch: aye, along a mud track complete with rickety narrow suspension bridge!
I mean, when you see ramblers on your route, you need start worry!
We left Aberfoyle just before 2pm, got to Balloch at 6! Not even 20 miles!
I took lots of pictures, so nobody will think I'm a wee drama queen :laugh: going to upload them on an album a bit later.
I think we need to do a @MikeW-71 ^_^ rethink the trip, I never wanna do that route again, every muscle in my body is aching, don't think I could do it again tomorrow for sure.... 4 days in a trot? :stop:
Do we know how the rest of the way to Inverness is?
Suggestions? :whistle:
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