Rhythm Thief said:
Most cats do, in my experience. I think they're great.
Incidentally, non cat people always come out with the "how can you like cats? they're soooo selfish" thing. Well, actually that's exactly what I like about them.
One of my cats, Waffles, the one in my avatar is very definitely *my* cat. Several years ago, I had a chronic illness which kept me virtually bedridden for about a year. During that time, when I was in a bad way, Waffles left my side only to use her litter-tray or to get food/drink. The rest of the time she stayed with me - at my side. If on one her short forays out of the room the bedroom door closed, on her return she would sit and patiently wait until someone came along to let her back in. She never made a fuss, just patiently waited. MrW used to refer to it as Waffles 'holding vigil' for me. Once the door was opened, she'd queitly come back in and resume her place at my side. The illness I had gave me chronic pain and I could not bear any noise. Apart from one noise - Waffles doing some gentle and quiet purrs - her 'noise' was wonderfully soothing and calming and helped reduce my stress at being in chronic pain. There's been, since then, the odd time I've been in tears. Cue Waffles running right up to me and put her nose right next to mine and she starts her gentle purrs. As I type this, it's one-handed, as Waffles is attached to my left bosum and shoulder, with her head tucked in by my ear and she's purring.