Cateye Strada Wireless not working.

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Well-Known Member

I've had my cateye strada wireless for a while (it was a christmas present last year) and it's been fine. Now, all of a sudden, it's stopped working. The magnet is still on the spokes (i did wonder if it had fallen off), the readery thing is still there, you can scroll through the various modes fine, the clock still works, but it's not recording anything. I did about 30 miles the other day, and it eventually had me as doing 0.01 miles.....

Any suggestions? Could it be the battery in the magnet / reader thing that's attached to the fork? I've only had it on the bike since May and I only go out about once a week, so the rest of the time its in 'sleep' mode, so its not getting loads and loads of use. Seems like a very short battery life to me if it is that.


Ride It Like You Stole It!
South Manchester
New batteries first, and re-sync the computer and sensor - that's happened to me once. Or if you don't fancy replacing the battery (they last over a year normally) then do a re-sync.


West Somerset
Is the sensor correctly lined up with the magnet? Mine got knocked a while back and refused to record anything until I'd put it back in the right place.


Noble and true, with a heart of steel
The TerrorVortex
I once had this. Confused the hell out of me.
I then realised I'd had the front wheel out...and put it back in the other way round.
Sensor on the right + Magnet on the left = not working
I know it sounds a bit obvious again but have you tried moving the actual sensor, they will shift a mm or two even tight fitted with the cable and I'd say most won't work beyond a 4mm gap. (I also find the normal magnets that come with the Cateye a bloody nuisance and if it isn't dead straight it will not read).

I use a Maplins small rare Earth magnet, very powerful and small... but recently epoxied mine to the blade spoke due to it twice removing itself on the road. Superglue wasn't enough, so whoever mentioned them coming loose is right, they can and do.

Have a fiddle with the positions of everything, lift the front wheel up push it forward fast and see if you get a reading.


Ride It Like You Stole It!
South Manchester
Don't forget to re-sync it.
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