There are some shops at the end of the road. I think they live in the dump behind that. They use our garden as a commuting route. All day long. And all night long, considering the number of times that they set the security light off at night.
They're pretty tame little things. Which is my worry, seeing as our youngest is in to furry little creatures at the moment.
I wonder if they have a Commuting section on
Mister Rat: This beggars belief; an idiot white human placed a board covered in glue right in the middle of my commuter route. Anyone who uses this route will be aware just how dangerous that can be. Should I write to the council of Nimh and report him?
Ratrick Stevens: Legally he is within his rights, although the morals of such an act of wanton disregard are certainly questionable. In such cases that I've dealt with, it's fairly easy to convince the magistrat that there are sufficient grounds for compensation.
Cabrat: Why are you complaining? You should be watching where you're going. I hope they string you up.
Magnarat: Did you get any of this on film?