I think we had a Ford Cortena, but i was young and cant really remember it.
That was traided for a Vauxhall Cavalier, not the new one, the older style. That was stolen, the thieves broke the window when the doors were unlocked

and thrashed it around in 1st and 2nd which wrecked the engine.
We had a Volvo 440 as well as the Cavalier. It had no power steering and heavy pedals and my mum who is very small drove it with the seat right forward. Was good to see her turn the wheel when she needed to turn it around.
A VW Polo with square lights when the Cavalier was stolen, which was the run about.
The Polo was traded in for a New Pegeot 206.
Then the Volvo was traded in a couple of years ago for a Skoda Superb.
They are the ones i remember. But my mum had an old Mini, which went into the garage and someone tried to nick the foglight on it. The handbrake was left on and the brake seized, so that went.
My dad had a few Cortinas, and a Hilmen Superminx i think, and i cant remember the other one he had.
Oh, before the volvo we had an old Ford Fiesta with no seat belts in the back so we used to jump around

. It kept cutting out and failed the MOT so it was got rid.