Excellent. Assuming they proceed with a will.
I'm disheartened by how often these kinds of discussions get derailed by 'plod too thin on the ground' bemoanings. This country is stuffed to the gills with cctv and related technologies which, given the will, can and sometimes are used to change behaviour. One classic illustration being bus lanes here in London - routinely invaded when introduced, now pretty much religiously avoided. Why? For the simple reason that word got around that if you drive in a bus lane, a few days later a fine chunky enough to hurt drops through your letterbox. Virtually no need for human resources; just using the technology resources that already exist.
When I'm king the first thing I will do is use cctv and related technologies to enforce a zero-tolerance regime on the roads. Speeding? Fine. Overtaking dangerously on the inside? Fine. Close pass? Fine. Going over a zebra crossing when someone's clearly looking to cross? Fine. Just keep nailing the buggers, a ton at a time should do it, until word gets round: they mean it. If I want to drive, I have to do it in a way that's safe & considerate for other people. Or it'll cost me.