I thought I would resurrect this thread!
I've just bought an old one .
Stop laughing at the back !
I thought that I would buy one cheap as I normally ride classic steel bikes and see what it is like going over to the "Dark Side".
I think the bike had been left outside in all weather's for some time . What looked like oxtail soup poured out of the head stock when I lifted the bike into the boot of my car .

That was the first bit that I found strange . I had difficulty fitting it in . I have a Jaguar XE and my 70's Viking Severn Valley went in easily. After a struggle I managed to get it and the wheels in.
Back at home I started to free things up . The brakes were seized . Oil on the pivots and cables and some manipulation got them working .
The chain was nice and orange so oil was applied and spun round . I tried the gears which were also in need of oil, these soon freed up and started working . I went up and down through all of the gears to check that everything was free. The head bearings were next ! Smooth wasn't the first impression ! Notchy was ! Ah well ! Oil might work ! It felt a bit better . I pumped up the tyres . They held up so I thought I would give it a quick road test .
I set off on my first ever ride on a kiddies bike suitable for adults with the enormous seat post .

I was surprised by how smooth it felt being an aluminium frame . The brake lever gear changes were also new to me . Brake lever for down shifts and thumb for changing up I quite liked it but didn't like the way the brake lever shot over to one side when I needed it !

As I was quite liking the ride I extended it . From just a quick 1 mile test went to 5 and then 12. It was quite pleasant except for the feeling of being blown to one side as if being hit by a sudden gust of wind . I think the notchy head bearings were responsible . I seemed to be liking the riding on the new bike . It was smooth and seemed to going quite fast . No real comparison as I didn't have Speedo fitted . I returned safely after enjoying my trip .
I have since cleaned the front hub and fitted new bearings which now spins freely . I have taken of the forks and looked at the bearings . The top bearings don't seem too bad . I haven't taken them out completely but packed some grease into them . The bottom ones were totally different. They were loose but rough . By feeling up inside the head tube I could feel the ball race so I worked some grease into them with my fingers . They now feel smoother . I enquired at
Halfords if they had a headset for my bike thinking that as the bike was one of their models that they would have them . No ! They were an earlier type ! What have they changed ?

Different diameter?

I could order some new ones. I declined ! I will do some research. They wanted half the price of the bike for them . I won't be doing many miles on the bike for now so new ones can wait . They are running better now having grease in them .
So I have now done just over 14 miles on the bike. The strange steering has gone . The ride is much smoother than I expected. I'm quite liking the ride although as many reports have said that it's not meant for climbing hills . I struggled up a bridge over a dual carriageway which I can easily climb on my other bikes .
Have I been converted and gone over to the Dark Side? Well I was surprised by the way that the bike felt and went . I don't like the way that parts could be too specific for each bike , non standardisation! Most of my other bikes I can easily swap parts over which I often do ! Head bearings aren't an issue with classic bikes , just a set of loose ball bearings . I will have to try it out on another test ride as I discovered that a Dawes Shadow that I am working on for a friend , which is on the large size for me set a really fast pace the other day . So a lot of the performance differences between bikes could just be down to the gearing .
Further testing needs to be done , but I quite like it but don't think It will replace my classics .