Carbon Or 7005 Triple Butted Aluminum?

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My first road bike was Columubus SLX steel, nice, but stiff and punishing.

I rode an alloy bike 45 miles and felt beaten up.

I wondered how I was ever going to build up my miles if road bikes were so punishing.

Then I got a carbon bike and it was a revelation. Now I ride 50-60 miles at weekends and don't feel beaten up, just tired legs.

You probably had too much pressure in your tyres!

It's such a shame that blind tests can't be carried out on bicycles, As regards 'stiffness, compliance and material' bollards, most normal cyclists wouldn't be able to tell the difference if they didn't know. It's all subjective.

To OP, ain't you got a bike yet! :tongue:


I still think of carbon frames as being a compromise on quality in order to save a few grams weight.


We are all different ages,shapes,sizes,weights.Great advice comes from these Chatters on here.I know i have benefited from it.But a bike and importantly a saddle is a very personal choice.I began cycling twenty four years ago.I have worked through two Raleigh bikes,a Dawes Galaxy .As time has gone on bikes and bits have got better.My Spesh Secteur Elite £999.Is the best ever.It might not touch or tick the boxes of better cyclists than me.But last week 104 miles it was ride riding a cloud.What more could i need.At the moment.

+1 Cube Agree SL 64CM. Drool.Thats the next one.Not this year and maybe not next but i have my heart set on it.Get the one that feels right for you.By all means listen and read.But you will know which is the right one.It's a kind of feeling.


Active Member
i have to ask, what makes you think that you are me,lol. i didn't realize i was being psycho-analyzed.....
I'm not biased toward either - I've never ridden a carbon bike and I'm not likely to for a very long time as I can't afford one.

If I was you (and to be honest, I am from what I gather) I'd get a reasonably decent road bike but not a carbon one, which is what I did. Less expensive and still a decent bike, and you can get a stiff bike without going carbon.


Active Member
yes i already have a ALU hybrid but have placed an order of the cube agree GTC race to be brought into the shop for me to try which i have done so, and IMHO this blitzes my ALU hybrid which is already a decent bike, i want a roadie for fitness and the occasional commute and the GTC is fast and very comfy and apparently excellent quality on the carbon front, if anyone has any experience with any kind of "shoddiness" regarding any cube carbon bike please let me know personally :thumbsup:
You probably had too much pressure in your tyres!

It's such a shame that blind tests can't be carried out on bicycles, As regards 'stiffness, compliance and material' bollards, most normal cyclists wouldn't be able to tell the difference if they didn't know. It's all subjective.

To OP, ain't you got a bike yet! :tongue:


Active Member
i agree with that, but with the ultegra group set to boot its as smooth as anything I've ever ridden, only rode it for around 20 minutes but made sure i hit some rough surfaces a small pot hole and a few road cracks and i never felt any of it to be honest it just felt 'right' as you say...:biggrin:


yes i already have a ALU hybrid but have placed an order of the cube agree GTC race to be brought into the shop for me to try which i have done so, and IMHO this blitzes my ALU hybrid which is already a decent bike, i want a roadie for fitness and the occasional commute and the GTC is fast and very comfy and apparently excellent quality on the carbon front, if anyone has any experience with any kind of "shoddiness" regarding any cube carbon bike please let me know personally :thumbsup:

Nice. Must admit, tis a cracking looking bike. (Edit: Not literally of course :laugh:)


Über Member
i have to ask, what makes you think that you are me,lol. i didn't realize i was being psycho-analyzed.....

We're both beginners, and you're not being psycho-analysed...

I was trying to present an argument to save you a fair wedge of cash but it seems I'm wasting my time...


Active Member
well I've bought the bike having ridden it for a few miles and thoroughly pleased so far, light strong and very fast, and TBH its my cash and not yours OK and your opinion was taken on board but it is....your opinion and my decision, at the end of the day people will say no get a good ALU, then others say get a titanium but if i listened to everyone id be a schizo....
We're both beginners, and you're not being psycho-analysed...

I was trying to present an argument to save you a fair wedge of cash but it seems I'm wasting my time...


New Member
Greensboro, nc
well guys, please have your say here...... as a beginner will i really notice that much of a difference by riding a full carbon against the 7005 triple butted aluminum bikes?
Cannondale caad are light but they are not called "crack and fail " for nothing. Carbon can be repaired if it cracks. If you have the cash buy carbon over aluminum for comfort. Steel frame w carbon fork combo is pretty comfortable too. Always consider ti if you're looking at the carbon price range
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