Carbon frames cause cancer - official

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Legendary Member
When I was working in Vosper Thornycrofts as a laminator building fibreglass/plactic warships we all said that in time this will be the new asbestosis of the future, I have two particals of glassfiber in my right eye that they can’t remove so God knows what gone down into my lungs


Dannyg said:
According to the Radio 4 Today programme this morning, carbon fibres of the type used in carbon bikes can cause lung cancer if breathed in.

I'm glad I've stuck with steel.

I wouldn't pay it too much attention if I were you.
Most news stories be they newspapers or radio and tv don't check most of their stories for accuracy.
I remember in the 80's when eating cornflakes would give you a heart attack.

BTW read this "Flat Earth News" by Nick Davies.
You won't look at news stories in the same light again.


Noble and true, with a heart of steel
The TerrorVortex
But...isn't it all pre-preg these days? The fibres are kind of stuck together to start with, so it's only if you start sawing the frame up that there's a problem?
Anyway, steel of the type used in bike frames gives you a nasty bruise if you drop it on your foot.
so, youre telling me that the guy who's carbon frame i angle grinded into pieces last year may actually get the last laugh????

mikeitup said:
I remember in the 80's when eating cornflakes would give you a heart attack.

apparantly cornflakes do lower your sex drive though, as they slow production of semen...


Legendary Member
eating cornflakes would give you a heart attack!

Depends on how fast you eat them :eek:

Carbon fibre hockey sticks grind away (on sand based turf) and occasionally break. Fibres are exposed in both instances.

But as I explain to my kids, they only say carbon fibre on the outside and have a bit of black stuff in strategic places (which probably is carbon fibre) and the rest is pretty ordinary fibreglass.

Still, not good stuff to get inside you.
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