So for arguments sake take planet x 52mm carbon clincher wheels. As a set they weight in at 1796g and they are not one off's either, i've noticed other brands with similar products also weight in at similar values.
Now take for example normal wheels like Fulcrum 5 which weight 1760g but cost over £200 less.
So why would someone pay £400 for a set of wheels if they weight heavier than a "normal" set and also cost a significant amount more as well?
DISCLAIMER: Just to make it clear that I am not having a dig at Planet-X gear. As I have noted above, other manufacturers of similar products also charge around the same and have a similar weight values.
Now take for example normal wheels like Fulcrum 5 which weight 1760g but cost over £200 less.
So why would someone pay £400 for a set of wheels if they weight heavier than a "normal" set and also cost a significant amount more as well?
DISCLAIMER: Just to make it clear that I am not having a dig at Planet-X gear. As I have noted above, other manufacturers of similar products also charge around the same and have a similar weight values.