Car parking scam

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Girl from the North Country
This has just been posted on FB by one of our local councils. Something to watch out for, especially in the holiday season with people heading to the beach.
Our neighbours over in South Tyneside have let us know about a scam that's been happening over there. And it's only a short stretch of water between us, so it could find its way over.
Someone has been sticking QR codes on their pay and display parking signs which takes you to an online scam payment page.
None of our parking signs have a QR code on them. So if you see one on our RingGo signs then do not scan it.
We'll be keeping toot and removing anything added to our signs.
If you've headed over the south side of the water and see one on South Tyneside's parking signs... again, don't scan it.


Legendary Member
That's an old one.


As long as I breathe, I attack.
Usually ar parks run by private entities I assume, I avoid such places like the plague whenever I can. Only because I hate using apps to pay for parking.

The only car parks i tend to use are supermarket ones and i dont think my phone can do payments anyway


Itching to get back on my bike's
Cash is king


South London
I had my card details stolen this way in Bromley a couple of months ago, also a Ringo operated car park.

Fortunately Barclaycard picked up on it almost immediately so I was able to cancel the card.


Legendary Member
When heading for an unknown carpark I’ll try and get the phone payment thing ready before I set off, in case cash or card doesn’t work.


Legendary Member
I can confirm this is a thing and my Mrs was caught out by such a scam at a national trust carpark. She spotted something odd and had to cancel her card.
Same scam has been done in Lancashire.

What I said to a relative of mine is if they are worried, call me and I'll buy the parking. The nice thing about it being an app is I can buy their parking from my phone, then top up as needed. I can't do that with a ticket in the window!
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