Wife told me last night she was having this morning off, & going to office about 11:30 - 12:00
I was going to take my mother shopping, but she told me that she was going over, & would take her
Giving me a list of a few things to do
THEN........... I got a phone call about 10:00, telling me that the 'works van', as I call it, wouldn't restart, at my mothers house, as it wasn't recognising the key
(it's a Toyota Auris Hybrid)
Could I come over with some new fob batteries?
I did so, still no recognition of the fob
AA called, they arrived about 12:15
The diagnosis was 'failed fob' (dry/cracked joint inside it??), it worked held against the 'start button' (so it's the 'remote' section of it)
The AA guy followed her to Office where spare-fob was
Meanwhile, I had to come home, as the office keys were here (as she had intended coming home, from the shopping trip)
I managed to get over there within a few minutes of her
The spare fob worked fine, unlocking/locking/allowing starting
On the bright side, it happened somewhere that she (& my mother) could stay warm/dry/not stranded on a road somewhere
Then, I noticed an under-inflated tyre............

Those are to pump up when she gets home later this afternoon!