Car compressed air?

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What’s the point
Diving cylinders are made normally of steel & pressure tested every five years. Fail that & you have to replace it.

Your system includes two pressure reduction systems. Most air hoses/pumps have no pressure reduction system in place.

actually 1 pressure reduction the 1st stage to 10 bar wich is about 3 times the pressure of your roadbike tire , and yes I am fully aware of the requirements for hydro test every 5 years and visual every 2.5.

what pressure do you think the pump systems on a forecourt put out as a maximum ??


South Somerset
You can buy a little brass adaptor, your lbs will sell them.

I used to use a 12v tyre inflator, but since i bought a trackpump that all i use. Its so easy.


Leg End Member
5 times? I've used many a track pump and not once have a seen the needle get anywhere near 150psi let alone 500psi

As you are pumping the tyre up. The volume of air gets smaller, so the pressure increases. When you have the air out of the pump & into the tyre the reading will be lower than any visual pressure reading taken whilst pumping the tyre up. More common at the lower pressure.

Sub Aqua
Are you saying you are taking gas into your lungs at 140lbs a square inch?

Used one that was pumping air out at over 400 lbs a quare inch. That had no resevoir on it though. I did say that they work on a short stroke, wide bore cylinder. The end result being frequent, high pressure bursts. Well above that used in any bike tyre. Steel also holds up better than a thin rubber tube to high pressure.


What’s the point
As you are pumping the tyre up. The volume of air gets smaller, so the pressure increases. When you have the air out of the pump & into the tyre the reading will be lower than any visual pressure reading taken whilst pumping the tyre up. More common at the lower pressure.

Sub Aqua
Are you saying you are taking gas into your lungs at 140lbs a square inch?

Used one that was pumping air out at over 400 lbs a quare inch. That had no resevoir on it though. I did say that they work on a short stroke, wide bore cylinder. The end result being frequent, high pressure bursts. Well above that used in any bike tyre. Steel also holds up better than a thin rubber tube to high pressure.

the interstage pressure at a 1st stage is between 8 to 12 bar depending on reg. the 2nd stage also reduces pressure to ambient. so depending on my depth its feasible.

at 10m i am breathing air at atmosphere plus 1 bar

20m atm plus 2 , the maths is fairly simple as is the physics

rubber also stretches better than steel
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