The pressure may be higher in a bike tyre, but the volume is smaller when compared to a car tyre.
Some pumps on garage forecourts will have a maximum pressure, whilst inflating the tyre, that may be well into triple figures. To get an idea of the problem, use a track pump with a pressure gauge fitted. Watch the needle as you're inflating the tyre. The pressure can spike at over five times the pressure that is actually in the tyre. Watch at the bottom of the stroke as the needle settles.
The pumps/airlines in garages use a short stroke, wide bore cylinder. About 10 inches wide with a stroke of upto 12 inches. Most do not have a resevoir so will be pumping air directly into the tyre. Those with a resevoir are a lot safer.
That said, I've used them and had no problems. Used in short bursts & checking the pressure as you're inflating the tyre will help minimise the risk of the it exploding. The ears will be left ringing if it does go. I've also used airlines at work where the pressure was 115lbs a square inch constant.