Do any companies do a "I'm not going to call you for a flat tyre or a flat battery" level of cover? It strikes me that those two things must be the most common reasons to use them, and as I have jump leads and a spare tyre in the boot, I assume my 'risk profile' is lower? (But then I resent paying more because my car is over 10 years old now - the cars I see broken down are newer than mine at least half of the time)
That was what Auto-aid used to be, I only ever wanted it as a get me home, not to the nearest garage, if it won't start at home I'd jump it off another, if I was only 10-15 miles away son/wife somebody would bring the tools, it's only a major breakdown I need cover for, like when we were 200 miles away with a caravan on the back & the gearbox would only let me select 5th gear. I drove it the last 40 miles to the caravan site with only that gear & then had them recover me home.
The problem with not having cover for a flat tyre is are you happy changing a wheel on the outside of the car on the hard shoulder with 44 tonne artics going past at 50 mph 3 foot from your arse
Yep, happy well not exactly happy, but if I wouldn't do it I wouldn't expect anybody else to do it for me. I'd drive it to somewhere safer even if that meant ruining the tyre & alloy if it was that dangerous.
But looking around it looks like Auto-aid have me over a barrel, their cover is still good for the price compared with others, wife & myself covered within any vehicle anywhere in the UK, with a get you home not to garage

just feel they are taking the Michael, especially as they have just been bought out by VC's