Can't take it easy!

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Well-Known Member
Waltham Abbey
I went out with a mate on Sunday morning with the intention of riding for 4 hours in Zone 2 - good God it was a very dull ride, averaging only 15.5mph. He assures me it's good training!!


Über Member
What is it with hills eh ? Like Red Light said, you know it's gonna be a trial but you still seek out the lumpiest lumps you can find.

Love em !!!


Just a bloke on a bike!
I don't think its a male or female thing, just a "cycling thing" - nothing beats spotting another cyclist in the distance and chasing them down, some of the best rides ive ever had were ones when I never caught the person our front but drained every once of energy trying, retruning home wrecked, sweating like a pig but equally as happy as one in Sh*t !!
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