Can't find a cycle helmet small enough for baby.

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New Member
Mrs.MysticMeg said:
I've joined this forum as I have no luck fonding a cycle helmet for my 9 month old daughter after days searching the net.

Her head circ is 43cm and the smallest I have found is 46cm. I was a regular cyclist before pregnancy so would like to be able to get on my bike again with her in the seat to at least pop to the shops and back but at the moment with no helmet for her we are stuck using the car for short journeys.

If anybody could point me in the right direction I would be grateful.


That's the age Wafflycat Minor was when I first started taking him on my bike for exactly the reasons you're wanting to do it - it was my way of getting about in daily life. He's almost 21 now, so you'll be pleased to know it is entirely possible for them to reach adulthood after being exposed to the 'dangers' of cycling so young :thumbsup: Lid... Wafflycat Minor ended up wearing the smallest lid I could buy with the fattest padding that came with the lid. It worked. He's still here. How developed your child is at holding up her head, you will know.


New Member
my house
wafflycat said:
so you'll be pleased to know it is entirely possible for them to reach adulthood after being exposed to the 'dangers' of cycling so young .

Never did me any harm either, and that was in an urban area on a folding metal finger-catching childseat before helmets seemed to have been invented.


back and brave
wafflycat said:
Wafflycat Minor ended up wearing the smallest lid I could buy with the fattest padding that came with the lid. It worked. He's still here.

I don't follow the logic... unless, of course, you regularly crashed!

I fear we may have chased the OP off. Shame... I would have liked to have found out what other reactions she may had from asking in LBSs.


New Member
It worked in the sense that it enabled a lid to fit...

Never crashed. Never fell over, never had a problem with any of the highlighted problems of transporting a young one by bicycle. I think the potential problems can so easily be overstated so that yes, it makes cycling sound dangerous and scares folk off.
wafflycat said:
It worked in the sense that it enabled a lid to fit...

Never crashed. Never fell over, never had a problem with any of the highlighted problems of transporting a young one by bicycle. I think the potential problems can so easily be overstated so that yes, it makes cycling sound dangerous and scares folk off.

You gambled with the odds and won. Had you had an accident, and your son got a brain injury, you would have a completely different outlook on this.


Could you not put the baby in one of those baby rucksack things? I've seen parents using them walking up Snowdon which is surely just as "dangerous" as cycling as if you slip on a rock etc down you and the little one goes. The ones where you stick the baby in the front in a pouch thing.
That's what I would do if I had a bambino and wanted to nip to the shops. Cycle slowly and carefully and there is probably just as much risk as getting run over by a car when walking with a pram.


New Member
Was strongly advised by paedatrician not to put babies in trailers before about 6 months as the vibration scrambles their brains to jelly. Seats better as modern ones are suspended. And it's true, the seat is a LOT smoother than the trailer, even though the latter has suspension and pneumatic tyres.

Went in the seat from about 6 months too, soon as they were in control of head via neck muscles. Used a blow-up neck cushion to help and they tended to sleep a lot. Found helmets to fit at that age on internet, and used seats with high sides for support and protection.
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