Can't feel my willy

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Formerly just_fixed
very helpful. thanks ga


New Member
Isle of Wight
I prefer to have my saddle nose down slightly or it causes numbness and squashes the balls :biggrin: It's probably due to your saddle and/or it's angle. The cheapo naff one I had on my MTB used to cause some numbness, I replaced it with one of those posh Italian racing bike type ones that have a slit across the top and it's much more comfy and gentle on the gentleman parts. :biggrin:


Senior Member
Gerry Attrick said:
I disagree. It is not normal.

It's a normal reaction to having a poorly positioned saddle. There is nothing abnormal about bpt (well, not in this regard anyway!) :biggrin:

Btw, spend some time trying to get a good position on your current saddle before racing out to buy a new one. I'd agree it's a good idea to measure your sit bones (you can do this at home without the Specialized thing), as this gives you an idea as to what width of saddle might suit you.

I feel too many people (myself included in the past) think the answer is always a new saddle when a bit of tinkering, trial and error and perserverance with your current saddle are all that's required.

Swift Dan

Senior Member
wyno70 said:
I echo what Gerry Attrick said, get down to a specialized dealer and get measured, as it sounds like incorrect saddle fit to me.


Numb willy sufferer: Excuse me, are you a specialized dealer?
Bicycle shop assistant: Yes, how can I help?
Numb willy sufferer: I need to get my willy measured.......



Nr Cambridge
A decent suspension seat post can also work wonders. I've not been measured by a Specialised technician but would readily agree if she was 22 and cute :laugh:. I'm sure she could restore any droop or loss of sensation. I have a Specialised BG2 saddle which has a central groove/channel to relieve pressure and a cut out for perineum area. Very comfortable IMO and not exponseeve :biggrin:.
Specialized Saddle - I've got a couple and they aren't great for me. I've got one adjusted up reasonably comfy now on my commuter (with the nose dropped slightly and the saddle slid back on it's rails) but it took a lot of trial and error.

There's no reason anyone should be uncomfortable on a bike. It's just a matter of getting equipment to suit them and taking time/trial/error to get the position right.

I'm not sure about the value of a suspension seatpost. The cheap ones in my experience don't peform very well and relying on one to relieve penile numbness is probably circumventing the cause rather than addressing it.

Sam Kennedy

New Member
Get someone else to feel it for you... ;) I said that out loud?!
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