Can you be too light?

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Hip Priest

I'm staying at 16 stone, just to be on the safe side.


Middle aged bald git.
I experienced the same kind of response when I lost weight. I used to look like Henry VIII and weighed 17.5 stone.
When I went down to 12.5 stone I was forever being told that I was looking ill and there was even a rumour circulated that I had AIDS!
Mind you I still looked like Henry VIII - just a skinny version (with AIDS apparently!)

If you're within your recommended BMI and you feel well - ignore people's silly comments.
I think it is just that people who know us perceive us in a certain way and if our appearance changes - so does their perception.
I am sure that even at my thinnest no stranger would have looked at me and said "He's too skinny" (Especially if they had the misfortune to see me in the bath!)

Mad Doug Biker

Just a damaged guy.
Craggy Island
I am only just over 5' 3" and 8 stone 6 so probably pretty much spot on.

I am 5'10" and 8 stone 11/ 9 stone. You have a bit of weight to loose just yet! :whistle:
Seriously, I am borderline underweight, but I have a medical reason behind that.

The power to weight ratio is good, but it isn't so good going down hills as you have no extra weight to commit to the forces of gravity, especially if its windy! :laugh:


Senior Member


three wheels on my wagon
I am now being told by those that I love and care about as well as a few drinking buddies that I am loosing too much weight that I look ill and look like I have cancer. The other day my mother told me I was too thin and my legs were far too skinny and I wasn't eating enough. She hasn't seen my legs in 25 years as I don't normally wear shorts and I have put nearly two inch on each thigh since I took up cycling again, at the time I was on my third slice of her rather nice lemon cake just prior to going home for my dinner. Although I am glad people take the time to notice I am not as I was before but I choose to ignore their 'stay as you were before and wait for heart disease etc to catch you up' attitude to life I feel better in my self than I have done for years I am definitely fitter than I have been since my early twenties and I look forward to getting up each day. And what is more I am now able to give my local hospice over 200 quid due to being able to take part in a charity event that I never would have done before...

Listen to what your body tells you and you won't go far wrong keep going and enjoy!!



Somerset UK
Ignore the neighbours. Most of us are too fat, to the extent that we now view overweight as normal.

I'm overweight but get comments about "all the exercise you do makes you look skinny". Including from my mum! I'd like to loose 2 stone, then what would the comments be?

If you feel comfortable, can do anything physical you want to and feel well what business is it of theirs? If you aren't too interested in neighbourly relations you could try telling them they're too fat and should take up cycling, swimming or running!
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