Can we talk about shorts pads?

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You need more than one pair then
I have more than 1 pair. I just mean that the weather is so unpredictable here that they time it takes to dry them, when I am home to monitor the weather, means I could rarely let them dry in the sun. An easterly facing garden doesn't help either.
One of the main uses of chamois cream is not so much to provide comfort but to prevent infections, boils, saddle sores etc. The inside of a chamois in your shorts can become an unhygenic place, especcially if you do not change them every day or you are on a very long ride. On short rides, I do not use it at all. Also some chamois in shorts require a very low temperature wash and that is not enough to kill the bacteria off, one pair of mine requires a cold water wash, so basically its just getting a rinse with some soap powder, so when I wear them next, their just clean dirty shorts with a good chance of picking up an infection
I have used @ zacklaws concoction half a dozen times now. Nothings dropped off yet!!


Senior Member
Some interesting and humorous posts :smile:
I have a pair of rubbish muddy fox bib shorts I bought a couple of year back to try bibs.
The pad is a huge sponge affair :sad:
last week I tried a pair of old
aldi/lidl under shorts with formed pad underneath and I was much more comfortable lol. (don't think I could go the route of no pad :biggrin:
Mostly wear bib longs but obviously been to warm of late.

I'm going to upgrade to something like dhb pro and some padless bib longs and maybe try this magic cream instead of talc :smile:
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