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Now that is impressive... the whole theological debate in one post!
Not only proof that God exists, heaven is actually up in the clouds and that God is a Fisherman sitting in the clouds and dangling his hook down
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Nice maille. Who made that?
I'd like a debate about whether the late Wittgenstein was right when he said whereof we cannot speak, thereof we must remain silent.
I like that, where is it?
Back to the OP, my helmet has been the cause of me bumping my head several times as I forget to compensate for the additional cms passing through the doorway of my cycle shed.
A couple of years ago I bumped my head whilst looking in the cupboard under the stairs, and it really hurt. Since then I have worn my helmet at all times, and I would encourage everyone else to do so.Back to the OP, my helmet has been the cause of me bumping my head several times as I forget to compensate for the additional cms passing through the doorway of my cycle shed.
He could always put his helmet on after he gets his bike out of the shed. Shhh though, don't tell him. Lets see if he can work it out for himself.Sign it
Cheaper than replacing a helmet
He could always put his helmet on after he gets his bike out of the shed. Shhh though, don't tell him. Lets see if he can work it out for himself.
Everything beats Cheshire. Horrible cheese...
It's probably the only cheese I really don't like - and I've tasted some odd cheeses in my time.
You've fallen for it three times before, so what's the problem now?