Married to Night Train
- Location
- Salford, UK
Smeggers said:
Your just "give it a proper soak and rinse out argument" is all very well and good, but you can also use the same logic for any pot that should be in a dishwasher?
I'm not saying I dont recycle at all, its just I question the judgement of it. I think mostly its lip service.
At least we can say for sure you are not one of the sort of people who drives to the bottle bank with last nights bottle of Chardonnay whilst keepoing the 4x4 running.
We've got something a bit like this....
.... and to be frank, its shite!!!
Everyone I know with a dishwasher still seems to end up doing rinsing and stuff anyway... I guess they have their place for big families. But unless you eat every single meal out of several jars or cans, I can't imagine the stuff to be recycled is going to fill your dishwasher to the exclusion of other stuff is it?
Yes, your bin looks a bit crap I have to say. I have a black plastic basket supplied by the recycling people that lives in my hall for stuff to go straight into and I keep the various stuff separate in carrier bags. Collection is every week (by electric vehicle or pedal trike), although being on my own, as you so kindly pointed out (I prefer widow to spinster BTW, spinster implies I haven't lived at all, and marriage is only a bit of paper) , I can often go a few weeks before it needs putting out. And another benefit is that since my unrecyclable rubbish bin takes so long to fill up, I'm saved the job of emptying it very often...