Thanks for that Apollonius
.....In some ways I feel Campag have fallen behind the other big names.
I agree, I'm a fan of form and function and always disliked the plasticy looking Ultegra and Dura Ace chainsets, especially that hideous grey colour that just looked like a cheap 'dork disc' made from wheelie bin plastic. But I think the look of the modern Campagnolo chainsets is a real step backwards looks wise and for the first time in decades I actually prefer the look of the Shimano offerings.
I have found some of the cheap Campagnolo stuff to be a bit ropey and not as long lasting and avoid all the stuff below Centaur. For me Chorus is the best, essentially functions the same as Record but nowhere near as spendy and without the obsession with low weight they are probably more durable I think. I prefer the old shiny alloy stuff anyway, and I now have 4 road bikes kitted out with mostly 10 speed Chorus with a few Record bits (the most pretty in my book but an arse to clean, I have to clean the skeleton brakes with ear buds!) and they have all worked flawlessly for years while coping with pretty high mileage. I have'nt bought any of my Campagnolo kit new, getting it all on
eBay so have managed to do it relatively cheaply. I also love the fact that spares are still available for most of Campagnolo kit, any probs with Shimano and its in the bin, which just seems very wasteful to me. Campagnolo in theory it can just keep on going forever, but be prepared to openly laugh/cry at some of the prices for spares, I recently purchased a 26mm cassette lock ring for an old Shamal wheel (rather than the more recent 27mm ones) and it cost £30, for a lock ring!!!! And a set of 5 Campag ultra torque crank bolts were over £30 last time I looked. And post Brexit I imagine this is only going to get worse.
Personally I'm not bothered at all by what people ride on their bikes, there's too much snobbery in cycling, ride whatever you want, kitted out with whatever, but I have 2 Italian bikes and I could'nt bring myself to put Shimano on them