It is a triple long cage so I should be able to go to a30 cog. Falling that I may chance to smaller chain rings.
It's a common misconceptiion that the length of the cage is a reflection of the biggest possible sprocket size - it isn't, necessarily. It's a reflection of chain-wrap. True, it *may* also affect maximum sprocket size but the two are not necessarily linked - as an example, current Campagnolo 11s rear gears with a standard ("short") cage are capable of handling to to a 30T largest sprocket provided the rear hanger they are attached to is within the required spec - but older 9s RDs with a short cage will only accommodate up to a 27T on the same hanger.
It's down to the geometry of the jockey cage, the rear gear as a whole and the hanger depth and geometry as anything. Shift quality is also involved - maybe less of a problem in 9s than in 10 or 11s but still a consideration.
The Racing T-type 9s long cage RDs will do a 29T reliably on rear hangers with a centre-rear-wheel to centre-hanger-bolt dimension of 24-28 mm. You may get a 30T to work (apochryphal tales are told of even 32s working on some frames) towards the longer end of that range but shifting in the middle of the cassette, especially, might be poor. If you add to that using a non-Campag cassette and / or chain, that might get worse still, plus any additional play that the rear mech has developed (it must be getting on a bit now) will also affect matters adversely.
Smaller rings might be a possibility - bear in mind that FDs have a capacity, too, though. If you downsize all 3 that's less of a limitation than if you just go for a "super-granny".