Thanks for the comments.
It's not a full fast, but its pretty close. I'm doing it on Tuesday and Thursdays. I've been having a cup of green tea for breakfast, then nothing to eat until about 5ish (although drinking, obviously) where I may have half a large carrot. Then later maybe 7/8ish I'll have the other half or maybe a salad sandwich (just a load of green stuff between two pieces of bread!) although lately I've been having a few rice cakes too. So I'm well under the 500ish calories. Some Thursdays I may skip the sandwich as I have a commitment on Thursday eve, that stops me feeling hungry.
My wife is really struggling with a full fast and has bought some weight watchers bread to make toast for brekkie and a sandwich for lunch.
I'm pretty good with the booze these days and can easily go without, although that has not been the case in my past! When I stopped drinking in the week, I immediately lost weight. It's amazing how many useless calories are in booze. The downside is I'm a complete lightweight now, I had four cans of cheap lager at the weekend and felt bladdered!!
I went out with some friends for a 50 mile blast on Saturday. A couple of them are quick on a bike and one of them made a comment about how well I was going up the hills, so I am very pleased with myself. I hope to lose another 1/2 stone, but I don't want to lose any more than that, I may have to take up boozing in the week again lol