Didn't really have many preconceptions at all - partly because there really are no stats out there on women cyclists so it's hard to have much of an idea what the real picture is. I'm up to 40 results so far which is fantastic, however most folk who have seen the link so far are from this very forum and therefore some of the most dedicated cyclists out there. So far the vast majority of respondents say they cycle every single day and most own more than one bike - which makes me feel better about my two bikes The most popular destination by far is to work - makes sense, lots of commuters on here myself included.
I am circulating the survey elsewhere too so hopefully once I've busted into more than 100 responses I will be getting some good findings. I suspect the frequency of cycling/number of bikes owned data will reduce as more casual cyclists fill the survey in - but who knows eh?
I am circulating the survey elsewhere too so hopefully once I've busted into more than 100 responses I will be getting some good findings. I suspect the frequency of cycling/number of bikes owned data will reduce as more casual cyclists fill the survey in - but who knows eh?