My wife once told me not to go shopping for food when hungry.
I resisted the obvious retort about it seeming a very good time to choose (this with a view to prolonging our relationship).
However, it turns out she was right... up to a point. It appears (and I have empirical evidence) that the human subject shopping for food when hungry makes the most dreadful decisions and buys the most awful kak.
If I stock up beforehand with all the edible delights I'll need for a ride, I make it home happy. This means fig rolls and malt loaf)
If I start to bonk and head for a foodshop or a cafe... it all goes horribly wrong. In fairness to the OP, I have never learned this lesson and I hope I never do.
There is hardly a finer feeling than belching my way through a second slice of pecan pie with a cup of sweet tea to wash down a BLT... while my bicycle sits outside and I'm 40 miles from home....
Urrrrp.... (pardon me)