Bye bye beer

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Internet Marketing bod
There is no point fannying around by drinking wine and quitting beer :banghead: Just quit the lot say until Christmas and then see where you are then. I go 3 - 4 months between drinks and it is easier than you think. 4 stone and 3 lbs would suggest it works ^_^

Hells teeth!

It is tempting to quit it all, last weekend I did that 100 miles (with an 18.4mph average) after a late night of beer, wine and whisky with my in-laws!

The financial angle isn't working out, it's like when I quit smoking - I only ever smoked rollies so never had to dig deep to maintain my consumption. The incentive of being able to cycle harder and faster is tempting though.


I only have one small bottle a week. And it seems more of a 'treat' that way.
It still hasn't shifted the belly - although I only need to lose around 5kg.
The only thing that works for me is running. And went for my first proper run in years on Saturday - cycling's easy in comparison:heat:


Well-Known Member
The demon drink! Don't you just love it?

I like real ale, but drink very little of it. The reason is I am always bloated and have to keep getting up to the loo during the night. For that problem tea is also something I have to steer clear of after about 18:00

Almost always have a glass or two of wine with my evening meal and sometimes a dram or two of malt whisky.

When I had to give up tea and alcohol due to heart palpitations, I was amazed that I suffered withdrawal symptoms due to the lack of the caffeine in tea - gave up caffeinated coffee 25 years ago . So I know have one full fat tea for breakfast and decaf for the rest of the day!

I can give up alcohol and the only side effects are:

1. More money in the bank
2. Sleep better
3. Don't get drunk

Which reminds me I am off to France soon and will be purchasing a few hundred bottles of wine and a very large quantity of whisky on the ferry! Hic!




Well-Known Member
I haven't drunk too much since the morning I woke up with what in truth was only a mild hangover and was faced with a nappy that would have made Jesus himself weep and ask his dad WHY!

Sometimes I don't drink in the week and I only need a couple of drinks on Friday evening to feel rotten in the morning!




Puzzle game procrastinator!
I gave up beer just over a month ago due to illness. I'd already lost half a stone before that but have lost another stone since, and that is without exercise since I am not well enough to do much yet.


Here for rides.
Have eschewed all alcohol since early September as part of project 'bust that belly'. Rather worried that I don't seem to miss it. Took the lovely Helen to our local last night and drank a pint of lime and soda whilst she had a dry white wine. We had our usual Sunday evening chat, the absence of a pint didn't spoil anything.

Weight continues, as part of a calorie controlled diet, to drop off. Did naff all exercise last week and still lost two pounds.

Why not just cut down rather than give up? I can't, I'm just a binary kind of guy.
Just ride more, touring I was having 1lt of strong French lager and then 0.5lt of wine with dinner most days and still lost weight :becool:


A Human Being
So far this year out of 9 months I have had 5 months alcohol free, although not a big drinker anyway(these days).
The benefits of not drinking are very obvious, better quality sleep and feeling stronger on the bike.


Here for rides.
So far this year out of 9 months I have had 5 months alcohol free, although not a big drinker anyway(these days).
The benefits of not drinking are very obvious, better quality sleep and feeling stronger on the bike.
That echoes with me. I'm very fond of a nightcap, sends me off like a light but the quality of sleep thereafter was often poor. Sobriety, and five day a week cycle commuting, sees me in bed and asleep early, and sleeping much more soundly through the night.


Man or Moose!
Giving up alcohol was easy for me, I used to drink, I used to get hammered fairly regularly and enjoyed beer and wine, but I decided to knock it on the head and stopped drinking. TBH, I don't miss it at all, there is no conscious effort to avoid it these days, I just much prefer to drink coffee or soft drinks when out and about. Now giving up meat for a period of time, well that was a hell of a hardship and I just couldn't hold out, I need my burgers and sausages! I wouldn't bother even trying to give up M&S Chocolate Milkshake!


Everything in moderation.
Thats the best advise you'll ever get.

They serve beer in the Moderation though.



Oaf on a Bike
The beer calories aren't really the problem for me, it's that my determination is weakened by the alcohol and beer tends to make me pig out after the beer. To lose weight I have to try my best to limit myself to drinking twice a week at most, difficult as social stuff tends to revolve around alcohol.
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