Sometimes ridiculous cycling products have their moment. I bought one of these having seen it ridiculed on this forum during the last really hot spell thinking it might be useful next time I dissolved into a blob of sweat climbing a hill in the heat. I didn't find it so good with a drop handlebar bike, but have used it while doing D-I-Y stuff in the garage and it actually does work.
I actually charged it up with the intention of using it on the recumbent while on a ride out with the lad this evening but I er forgot. On part of the route this evening we came across a lot of tiny flies and it might just have stopped 15 minutes of coughing and spluttering after I inhaled some of them. It was certainly very humid and sticky this evening, and would have been a good test.
I remember 1976 with its hosepipe bans, water tankers, advice to wash your car in a stream (how would that go down nowadays?). Trips to Mid Wales to see long drowned ruins and walls exposed in the near-empty reservoirs there. The relentless heat with no rain for weeks. I don't think there is a real comparison with that year and what is happening now. Long hot spells were rare then, but short lived extremes of weather are increasingly common now.