Norven Mankey
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There are loads of sub £50m market cap stocks with spreads exceeding 10% on AIM and the Standard Segment of the Main List. Most of these have no research written either independently or by their broker. To give an example I invested in a company recently with a market cap of £11m. The spread is currently 22%. But if the stars align I stand to make about 3x return. Completely off radar, completely unresearchedCan you provide any evidence to support these views and allegations?
80% of retail investors dont lose money. Specially as the majority invest in etfs. It is highly unlikely that 80% of people with self invested personal pension make losses if they did the government would ban them.
A 10% spread on poorly researched companies? There is no such thing as poorly researched company nowadays. Warren Buffets cigar butt companies dont exist anymore.
The market makers spread (bid to offer or ask) is a based on liquidity AND competition. One market maker no competition....and lots of risk for the market maker. Despite that a 10% spread is very very rare.
Let's look at mj Gleeson, not that small a company but shares are tightly held. Or put another way bought and held longer than the average. I have seen spreads of 600p (sell) 640 (buy) it does vary though. It would appear to be difficult to make a profit on them? But the reason the spread is so wide is people hold for a lot longer than normal for companies of that size implying the opposite of nickyboy ie profitable.
The experts advice is buy and hold. Or put another way you will make losses by panicking.
As an aside I wasn't willing to buy mj Gleeson because of the spread but a bargain is a bargain no matter what the spread. The spread today is 704 sell 736 buy, very large. It could be larger when the market is open.
I Bought at 580 using a limit order. I am up including all buying costs And the spread by 20.8%. A bargain is a bargain and hold long term.
And I have no insider information (I didn't know in advance about the covid19).
Regarding the 80% number it seems to be widely quoted. I did ask my broker (the main guy at a brokerage with several hundred trading clients). He said most of the active traders lost money