Buying preloved clothes, shoes etc

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Mrs Tenkaykev’s mum used to be the manageress of a charity shop in a quite well to do area. When there were donations of larger dresses, frocks and especially larger ladies shoes she would always put them to one side for when her “ boys “ came in.
I should add that the MIL was in her 70’s and used to open the shop in the evening, after regular hours so “her boys” could mooch through the merchandise at their leisure.


Eh up
I have bought loads of stuff from charity shops, also clothes off ebay, in fact I may never buy new again, excluding underwear and socks of course.
Bra's aren't my thing but I support the profile of resellers.
Not second hand now, but 'preloved'.:rolleyes: As you know I work in a retro clothing shop selling men's and ladies clothes, bags, shoes etc from the 1920's up till almost present day stuff. The owner of the shop makes a fair amount of money. I visit charity shops and see stuff that to me looks naff, but to others maybe not. Though i do pick up some tweed jackets that were probably 3 or 4 hundred quid maybe even more, for a fiver or a tenner at most! I also see certain underwear items for sale in charity shops. Who buys second hand underwear I ask.:unsure: Anyway, do you or would you buy someone's cast offs?🤔
Underwear no but decent quality stuff yes.


Underpants is pretty much the only clothing I buy new - everything else comes off ebay. I know the brands that fit me well, I know what I want and am prepared to wait till the right one comes along. Saves me a fortune and better yet I don't have to go shopping! :okay:


Quite dreadful
lost somewhere
I bought some ex-MOD thermal long-johns on Ebay a while back. There was an indelible yellow stain on one of the legs that looked like hydraulic fluid. They were pretty warm and served me well on a couple of winter night rides before eventually falling to pieces.


Work shirts esp old ones which are well cut, and occasionally trousers for mechanic work during the summer when overalls are too warm.


Legendary Member
My best bargains include a pair of crockett & Jones shoes for £30 off fleabay. They'd had a fair bit of
wear but felt vindicated when I saw a pair in a shoe shop window in London for well north of £400. Crockett's are genuinely superb shoes, as indeed they should be for the price, but are top notch

My other bargain was a £30 Daks business suit. Again a justifiable £400 new. Wore it to work for a few years


Lots of my clothes are second hand. I love fashion and get a real thrill bagging a bargain. I live in a fairly affluent area and the charity shops have good stuff. I also use eBay for buying and selling clothes.
Today I wore a Nicole Farhi skirt for work. It would probably retail at £100 - £200 new. I got it for £15 at a local charity shop. Wouldn’t wear 2nd hand knickers (or cycling shorts) but wouldn’t rule out bras for the right piece.


Found in the Yorkshire hills ...
I've got a preference for a particular (expensive) designer label brand. Whilst I could buy everything new from there I don't, instead sourcing it mostly from eBay but elsewhere.

Suits, shirts, etc. are fine and most have tags on or are hardly used. Underwear and shoes, no.
Lots of my clothes are second hand. I love fashion and get a real thrill bagging a bargain. I live in a fairly affluent area and the charity shops have good stuff. I also use eBay for buying and selling clothes.
Today I wore a Nicole Farhi skirt for work. It would probably retail at £100 - £200 new. I got it for £15 at a local charity shop. Wouldn’t wear 2nd hand knickers (or cycling shorts) but wouldn’t rule out bras for the right piece.
I think women charity shop shoppers have it better by far than men - for I don't think I'm too off the mark to say that many women (not saying you) buy lots of clothes that barely get worn and then get passed on to prevent the wardrobe bursting.

I can see charity shops becoming more popular with the move against planet-destruction/fast fashion.

On cycling shorts I recently acquired from a generous soul who had no further need of them some second hand bib longs but have no problems with using those as they are the unpadded variety where you wear your own lycra shorts underneath. I washed them well before using.

But generally, underwear no.


I think women charity shop shoppers have it better by far than men - for I don't think I'm too off the mark to say that many women (not saying you) buy lots of clothes that barely get worn and then get
Sadly, I am guilty of this!
My favourite men's bargain was a 1960s tailcoat picked up for little money by a friend who goes to alot of vintage trade fairs. Both my sons wore it for their end of school prom.


Heavy Metal Fan
I've bought a few nice things off eBay. Just bought my son a nice Next padded shirt for £7. I'd like to have a good look through a charity shop but lots of them aren't open Saturdays, and tend to have mostly clothes for older people round here

welsh dragon

Thanks but no thanks. I think I'll pass.
I have never bought second hand clothes and as for underwear xx(.

I have only been in second hand shops a couple of times in my entire life.

I do understand that vintage second hand clothes can fetch quite a good price in some places. But no thanks.
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