Buying a helmet - Advice sought from helmet wearers.

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slower but no further
SE London
Just to divert the discussion in retaliation of the first post - how many of us who ride both motorised and unmotorised bicycles and do not wear a helmet on the latter would regularary ride on the former helmetless if they were not compulsory?

Tight Git

Having also being of a shape that meant Shoei fitted me well for motorbike helmets I have a Met cycling helmet.

Also gave up road bikes and moved to the track, gave that up 4 years ago after breaking 13 bones in a highsider!



Slimboy Fat
The Fen Edge
Why, is a cigarette counter operative offering me advise on something?

The ciggy counter is not selling you something based on the notion that it will protect you from harm. Mickle is and it may interest his paying customers to know that he's a non subscriber, as that's the one piece of advice I'll bet he doesn't share.

Mind you, smoking has at least one thing in common with refusal to wear a helmet - Darwinism.

Look, I've received some very helpful advice in this (misplaced) thread and to those who came up with good info, many thanks. I tried a few on this weekend, having noted the responses of those (such as Tight Git) who understood the premise of the original post and it does appear that some brands have a house 'shape'. I'll continue trying them on until I find one I really like, as I only really had time to visit two shops. Until then, my old Bell will have to soldier on.



Slimboy Fat
The Fen Edge
Why would I be an aggressive rider? I'm clearly in no rush to die young, well, in my middle age at least. I grew up in one of the most cycle friendly cities in the UK, continued to cycle throughout my motorcycle years and currently drive 36000 miles a year in a car as a commuter. This gives me a balanced outlook on transport in general and a healthy disrespect for evangelists, that espouse that their way is the only way.

I'll tell you what is true; I regularly see dick head stunts and risks pulled by users of all of those modes of transport and so I ride/drive with this mantra; It's no good being right with broken legs and discretion is always the better part of valour. I drive down county roads late at night and see cyclists in dark clothing and merely a flashing LED to mark their space. As a someone on their side, I give them the wide berth they deserve as a cyclist, but think as I pass - Ferchistsakes, give yourself a chance.

As the vast majority of my cycling will be after 7:30pm, I'm giving myself every chance. That means bright clothing, awesome lighting and a helmet. I don't care what the stats say, or what people who believe stats say, I'm wearing one based on my experience of having relied on them in the past. If they ever develop something as effective for my crash knackered knees, then I'm all ears.:smile:



slower but no further
SE London
The point is very few evangelists want to dissuade you from wearing a helmet. And if you are going to use a helmet it makes sense to have the best (for you). Indeed it is useful information for the evangelists when they don't have a choice about it.

I think you make the mistake that stats believers necessarily are evangelists or have a similar issue with motorcycle helmets. They are two different questions and can have two different answers. Not to mention stats believers do many things despite the stats. Like stuff that comes in pint glasses.

Thank you for re-affirming you are a considerate road user. I just hope you may not be so dogmatic about cyclists you see not wearing helmets. Many, like you, are only trying to do what's best on the road. And have as much justification.


Slimboy Fat
The Fen Edge
I responded to an earlier post of yours that has now, apparently, disappeared?

I use the term evangelist, to describe precisely those for which non helmet wearing is something they bang on about at every opportunity. I've been on this forum five minutes, but huge forum experience elsewhere, makes it easy to spot who these people are. You should try a cables debate on an audio/video forum, albeit, only if you want to loose the will to live in short order!

It is currently a personal choice issue and for those that choose otherwise, that's their choice. People who are happy in their choice of not wearing helmets, don't tend to impinge in threads on that topic, because it's a non issue for them. People who do post in a thread where non-user input is specifically not asked for from the off, are generally evangelists, trolls, or just keyboard warriors spoiling for a fight, that they wouldn't pick
in physical reality. I can ignore, or combat them as I choose, time allowing. As a hardware reviewer elsewhere, you develop thick skin.

I will never, ever, risk the safety of a cyclist, purely because I'm in the legal right. It's important to state that applies whether I'm in my car or on my bike. When I'm cycling, I look out for numpty cyclists as much as I do cars, because they hurt just as much. For those not cycling around a town with a 20% population of foreigners, that means dudes cycling toward you up the cycle lane. Often as not, they're foreign language students, of sub-motoring age that don't appreciate which side of the road we cycle on. I might be right, but they still hurt if you hit them!



slower but no further
SE London
You are right if you invite comments on the best helmet you will get some spoilers. "The invisible one" has been trademarked by me in jest. I don't think you should lump those in with people who don't want you to wear a helmet.

As a self confessed stats believer I am fully in sympathy with Tim Hartford's review of the available evidence on helmet use on "More or Less" which came up with the standard "its six of one and half dozen of the other" outcome. He wears a helmet, I don't. We really don't have a problem with each other's choice. Whatever moves your mojo.

However, we both have an issue when people dogmatically say helmets save lives (or cost lives). The temptation to correct this error is so hard to resist. That's the problem with your initial post. If you had said "I have made my decision to wear a helmet and I want to hear which you think best. "My mind is made up on this so please don't waste your time persuading me otherwise" you may have had an easier time.

Helmets are always a inflammatory subject. Best go light on flaunting naked lights :rolleyes:
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