self serving virtue signaller
I'm only 5'6 and I also have a 32"inside leg
I think it's inconceivable you have the same inside leg as the OP as he's 8" taller.
On the OPs question, I'd go for it. Test riding a bike, unless you are already a bike expert with wide experience of different ones, will tell you almost nothing, just that it's either different or not to your current steed.
Until you've been on it for some time, you won't really know. At which point it's too late anyway.
An XL sounds right for 6'2; I'm 6'4 and sometimes even the XL sizes are too small.
On whether to go for hybrid or mountain bike, unless you're planning to do proper single track offroading, a hybrid should be adequate, and at your price range you're probably better off avoiding suspension forks. You can always put knobblier tyres on the hybrid.