Buying a Bike - Where on earth do I start?

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Matt: im in the locality - Quinns can be a bit on the sharp side re: cost - i'd aim for about £600 all in with pedals etc and anything you see fit for the bike.

The Boardman bikes are quite good for the money.

Which are viewable down in the Speke Retail Park's - Halfords.

Ive heard there is a big cycle shop expanded elsewhere up by Formby but not sure on the whereabouts of this.,-3.041797&spn=0.008489,0.033474&z=15

Or even try Leisure Lakes - past Southport.

Another good cycle shop is: - but they've moved and an update no. is 01744 8 500 47: they've moved up the road and its a great shop now - brilliant advice.


Crikey! Formby cycles have expanded 'just an ickle bit'! I remember riding out there years ago and it was just your typical traditional bike shop!



New Member
Thanks everyone.

I did some brief reading on the difference between triathlon bikes and road racers and the consensus seemed to be that triathlon bike were built with far more concern for aerodynamics as triathlites arn't allowed to draft. I'm 6ft 4 with some pretty hefty shoulders. It doesn't matter how slim the front of a bike frame is, I'm going to be responsible for so much drag anyway that it wont be noticable. Just thinking through aerobars as opposed to drops it seems like you should be able to ride in a better shape but my prime concern is just to get out and start having some fun rather than outright speed to begin with.

In terms of rowing I loved it all, little 500meter sprints all the way up to the 52km Boston Rowing Marathon which I think our boat still hold the S3 record for and I'm keen to be as flexible with cycling but would rather be uncomfortable for the longer rides that I take part in than slow in the shorter ones.

Three or four bikes would be just perfect but I'd get slaughtered by the Mrs for the amount of room they would take up lol.

Thanks for the info on LBSs yenrod I'll have a look at all of those.

What's the best way of looking around for a club to ride with, is there a register of British Cycling clubs anywhere?




Cycling in Scotland
Auld Reekie
I would strongly recommend that what ever sort of bike you want to buy, that you find a good local bike shop (LBS), there is a sticky thread for LBS Recommendations at the top of this forum, and try riding as many bikes in your price range as you can. You will know when it is the right bike for you because it will just feel right. If the shop doesn't let you ride the bike on the road, just walk away and never go back.


New Member
Thanks HairyJock,

Yeah I did have a read through that and couldn't see anything in Liverpool but if I have a particularly good experience at any of the LBSs that have already been suggested on this thread then I'll be adding them to that sticky.

Thanks for the link Chris, very helpful




Cycling in Scotland
Auld Reekie
MattLiverpool said:
Thanks HairyJock,

Yeah I did have a read through that and couldn't see anything in Liverpool but if I have a particularly good experience at any of the LBSs that have already been suggested on this thread then I'll be adding them to that sticky.

Thanks for the link Chris, very helpful



Thanks for helping to fill in the gaps... :becool:


New Member
Well I've eventually gone for a Trek 1.7

Anyone had any really positive or negative experiences of this bike?

Is there an accepted 'getting into cycling' training plan that anyone can recommend. I think that I've read things about familiarising with the bike on approx 10M rides.

In terms of accessories for getting out on the road are there any MUST haves?



Fab Foodie

hanging-on in quiet desperation ...
Kirton, Devon.
MattLiverpool said:
Well I've eventually gone for a Trek 1.7

Anyone had any really positive or negative experiences of this bike?

Is there an accepted 'getting into cycling' training plan that anyone can recommend. I think that I've read things about familiarising with the bike on approx 10M rides.

In terms of accessories for getting out on the road are there any MUST haves?



Matt, looks like a nice choice, Trek build fine bikes so there should be few worries.

Good mitts
Good shorts (bib-shorts better than "normal" shorts).
SPD SL or Look Clipless pedals and shoes
Track-pump... essential for getting tyre pressures right, Joe Blow sport £25 is fine.
Spare inner tubes (2).
P*ncture repair kit.
Cycle-craft book by Franklin
Maintainance book.
Finish line cross country chain lube (never use a chain cleaner, just wipe and re-lube)
Cycle-specific tops.
Front and rear-flashers
Club membership.

As for getting started, find a good circular route, 30 mins max and go pedal some laps, start out slowly and build-up gradually. If you can get out 3 times a week for 30 mins minimum that's a real good start, you'll soon be doing 20, 30 miles of an evening at a fair pace.


New Member
Thank Fab I suspected that my enthusiasm and bike alone might not be enough (This is going to be more expensive than rowing!!!). I did assume that it might be best to just go clipless from the start so thanks for confirming that for me.

Dodgy I went to Quinns in the end. Their resident roadie Steve was very helpful so assuming that when I get it it's all been set up correctly I'll be adding them to the LBS thread with a glowing report.

I really can't wait to get out for a ride. Don't think I'm going to be able to pick it up until the weekend but Quinns reckon it will be in the shop tomorrow. I'm really not the most patient guy but at least I'll be able to stock up on supplies this week.

EDIT: How much 'float' do I want in my cleats? I'm guessing that you want none for short fast stuff and more for longer distance. Is that right?

Thanks everyone

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