Buses bibbing me!

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New Member
I might be wrong. You might be right. Our buses have a screen at the front which you can watch which scrolls through the cameras on board. There may be some outside pointing ones somewhere which for some reason they don't include in the scrolling.

Sorry, this is off topic, but whenever I go on a train, I think it would be cool if each carriage had a screen showing a drivers eye view. I suppose the novelty might wear off after a couple of hours - but not for me, I'll happily spend 5 hours watching the view go by, and a forward view would be interesting...

Anyway, sorry, as you were chaps...


Legendary Member
Our screens dont scroll through the views,but i took for granted,maybe wrongly,that if you have two or three bubble cams at the front say,and you look closely through the tinted glass you can actualy see which way the cam inside is pointing,normally ,on ours at least,the one on the front dash on the left as you get on is normally looking out.


Gently bibbing you ?. It doesnt sound aggressive...maybe (huh, we can hope !!) they are letting you know they're behind.

A couple of years ago, it seemed EVERY bus that went past would vent his brakes just as he went past. It HAD to be quite deliberate.

So i rode up to one offender when he stopped and said...
' it aint scary mate, dont know why youre bothering...i always expect you lot to do it nowadays' with a smile and a wink.

I dont think it was my comment...but they seem to have stopped doing it now. Got fed up i think.


Über Member
Are bus drivers in Birmingham still all miserable bastards, as they were when I was last there 5 years ago?


Legendary Member
The only time we have control on the air brakes,is when we are using them,some times they let air out to keep pressures right via a valve,gets to a certain pressure and hiss,out it comes.Im puzzled as to why you think it had to be deliberate? did he know you?


col said:
The only time we have control on the air brakes,is when we are using them,some times they let air out to keep pressures right via a valve,gets to a certain pressure and hiss,out it comes.Im puzzled as to why you think it had to be deliberate? did he know you?

Cant say for sure, but almost EVERY time a bus went past, (not just me, i saw it happening to others as well)...a hiss of air was always sounded almost EXACTLY as they went past you.
It happened so often, it couldnt possibly be the same driver, he'd have to be on both consecutive busses that went past me.

Theres been a sorry history of chav / bus aggro in Peterborough. Ive seen the scrotes consistently ride slowly and directly in front of a bus.
Ive seen cyclists ride aong bus only routes, obivious to the fact the bus actually has right of way, forcing the driver to slow.
No wonder they get fustrated...trouble is, it seems as though many of them blanket blame cyclists...and get their own back.

A friend of mine decided to get a PSV licence. He lasted a year before packing it in. Worst job i ever had he said. Fkin customers...chuck their money in the tray...no thanks, no words, sometimes sneer at you, just generally treat you like sh!t.


Yep they do....! A lot have forward facing cameras in the destination display. I once got two week's worth of footage from them to get journey time data for the 67 to Castle Vale (nice route...). Fortunately I wasn't the poor sod who had to sit and watch them all!! It's quite amusing to watch the footage of them going through the bus wash at Perry Barr depot though.

TWM don't have cameras on the outside. Well, there's a fleet of new ones about recently that I haven't look closely at yet, but the rest don't.


You need to buy one of these:

http://www.motorbooks.co.uk/showsect.asp?id=637 :biggrin:

I think Scotrail did an experiment on the West Highland line a few years back with having forward facing cameras, and the footage being displayed on a couple of tellies in each carriage.

flowergirl said:
Sorry, this is off topic, but whenever I go on a train, I think it would be cool if each carriage had a screen showing a drivers eye view. I suppose the novelty might wear off after a couple of hours - but not for me, I'll happily spend 5 hours watching the view go by, and a forward view would be interesting...

Anyway, sorry, as you were chaps...


Legendary Member
gbb said:
Cant say for sure, but almost EVERY time a bus went past, (not just me, i saw it happening to others as well)...a hiss of air was always sounded almost EXACTLY as they went past you.
It happened so often, it couldnt possibly be the same driver, he'd have to be on both consecutive busses that went past me.

Theres been a sorry history of chav / bus aggro in Peterborough. Ive seen the scrotes consistently ride slowly and directly in front of a bus.
Ive seen cyclists ride aong bus only routes, obivious to the fact the bus actually has right of way, forcing the driver to slow.
No wonder they get fustrated...trouble is, it seems as though many of them blanket blame cyclists...and get their own back.

A friend of mine decided to get a PSV licence. He lasted a year before packing it in. Worst job i ever had he said. Fkin customers...chuck their money in the tray...no thanks, no words, sometimes sneer at you, just generally treat you like sh!t.

I see,telling me about the problems there,has given me a clearer picture.I had at first thought that the buses were reaching a similar speed on the same bit of road,and most would expell excess air at the same ish time,but it sounds like there could be some bad feeling in the air.
Your friend is absolutely right,its the crappest job i have ever had too.There isnt a day goes by that i think of getting another job,but alas ,there are not many to be had.It doesnt help that the company i work for are selling us out to another bus company,so frying pan and fire springs to mind.:biggrin:


Cycling in Scotland
Auld Reekie
gbb said:
A couple of years ago, it seemed EVERY bus that went past would vent his brakes just as he went past. It HAD to be quite deliberate.

The driver has no control over when the air brakes vent, so it is not deliberate, it is just chance...


Married to Night Train
Salford, UK
col said:
I see,telling me about the problems there,has given me a clearer picture.I had at first thought that the buses were reaching a similar speed on the same bit of road,and most would expell excess air at the same ish time,

That was my thought, also having driven a vehicle with airbrakes. If drivers were fairly consistent in terms of how they brake when overtaking, I'd have thought that might account for it...

I remember two colleagues of mine saying, you know you're a proper grown up when you're driving something that goes "pssshhhtttttt-ahhhh" when you pull up..:biggrin:


nothing in moderation
Arch said:
That was my thought, also having driven a vehicle with airbrakes. If drivers were fairly consistent in terms of how they brake when overtaking, I'd have thought that might account for it...

I remember two colleagues of mine saying, you know you're a proper grown up when you're driving something that goes "pssshhhtttttt-ahhhh" when you pull up..xx(
that'll be me with a can of coke :biggrin:


Hairy Jock said:
The driver has no control over when the air brakes vent, so it is not deliberate, it is just chance...[/QUOTE]

Not wishing to question your opinion, but i find that soooooo hard to believe.

I REALLY did find an exhaust of air was made VERY regularly as they passed you. Initially, it was quite a eye opening second, but you got used to it.

I often asked myself was i imagining it ???
But...why then did their brakes (i say brakes, i assume thats what it was) never vent 20 feet behind cyclist, or 20 feet in front, or 10 feet in front....no, ALWAYS just at the moment they were passing you.

I remember one lady cyclist being quite shocked and alarmed by it !!

I'd be intrigued to know, perhaps there really is a logical reason for it.

Personally, i have no truck with them, its a difficult job, but there seems to be a fairly common theme of cyclist / bus aggro...ive encountered it from both sides more than once.


Married to Night Train
Salford, UK
Well... I'll have to admit, my knowledge of how the brakes work, beyond "I out my foot on the pedal and the truck slows down" is sketchy, so if someone has more mechanical knowledge, I'd bow to it...

but, if the pressure is vented at a certain limit, this limit is presumably is affected by how often the brakes are applied (thereby losing system pressure which is then built up again by the engine). If a bus is overtaking a cyclist it has probably had to slow briefly beforehand. If the time between slowing and then passing the cyclist is fairly consistent, then it might be that the time taken for the system pressure to build up to venting level would also be consistent and co-incidentally might happen just as the bus was passing. In effect, saying it was deliberate would be like saying that a driver deliberately flashed his brake lights at you as he pulled up at the back of a queue in fornt of you... Add in the fact that a long bus is passing you for a couple of seconds, so the venting can happen a couple of seconds either way and still seem to be alongside...

I suspect, if you stood on an urban street corner watching the traffic, you'd see that vehicle brake lights tend to come on at the same spots (not precisely, and not everytime, but there would be a trend). Venting airbrakes on vehicles making regular trips might well act the same.

And of course, once you notice something, you go on to notice it more and more as it reinforces your impression.

As I said, I'm happy to be proved wrong on this one by someone with better greasemonkey skills or more airbrake experience than me... RT? You out there?
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