Bus pass applied for.

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Accy cyclist

Legendary Member
Do you always remain standing in a pub, or do you take your own folding chair with you wherever you go?

Good question! Yes, I prefer to stand. If anyone says "why aren't you sitting down" I just tell them my hip's playing up and I find sitting uncomfortable.
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In 2011/12 I qualified for a bus pass as my epilepsy meant I was classed as disabled. At that time my driving licence was revoked. The pass was useful but my main recollection was bus travel was very slow. For example the hospital journey I had to make involved three buses over two hours or more, the hospital is 20/25 minutes by car.

I qualify by age now but would rarely have time to take the bus. What we need is a far more integrated public transport system.


Legendary Member
Not use ours since Covid started.
Handy for town. Tried further afield eg Chester and Liverpool but it takes forever as it goes all round the world.


Girl from the North Country
If you're eligible for one, apply for it. There's no compulsion on you to use either of them, but one or t'other of them might be useful in different circumstances.

My dad has NEVER used buses. He would much rather jump in his gas-guzzling car. But since his stroke he's unable to drive and never off the bus. The bus company must be wondering if his pass has been cloned - it's used for so many journeys.


Time to move to Greater London then...not only free buses, but also trains, tubes, DLR, Crossrail (from next week), trams off peak...
Don't you have to have an Oyster photo card (costs Ā£20) to qualify for free travel if you are aged from 60 to state pension age? So it is cheap travel but not free.


Legendary Member
Don't you have to have an Oyster photo card (costs Ā£20) to qualify for free travel if you are aged from 60 to state pension age? So it is cheap travel but not free.

Maybe...that's pretty much free (the daily cap here is around Ā£13)
@PK99 might know (I don't qualify yet :laugh:)
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