To be fair,i think most of what is said and done on this forum,is in jest.but i also think that there are bad examples in both areas.If bus drivers used all cyclists examples,ie the chav type or other,im sure there could be a bull bait,on how cyclists are bad or dangerous.Im sure we have all coined the phrase"Ill kill em" at some point,it doesnt mean we mean it,more a way of venting our feelings at the time,it doesnt mean we are killers.It is very worrying when a driver purposely tries to squeeze or push a cyclist,i dare say ,there will be the odd one who might,these are the ones that should not be in the job,obviously.But on the other hand there are cyclists,that do dangerouse things,and try to cause problems on purpose to.Now i think im safe in saying that there are non of these type on here,maybe the odd one,who knows.But a similar thing will be on other forums,most are normal safe driving people,but the odd one will be there somewhere.Some of the things that have been said by bus drivers,may be in bad taste,in a cyclists opinion,but it was still, i feel,in jest,and not to be taken literally.Now i believe Random to be a decent person,going on his threads,but if he made a joke about something,i would either find it humerous,or not,i wouldnt start thinking that if it not amusing to me,that he was some dangerous person.I also think we generalise too much,both ways.We can all quote certain times when someone has done something to us,but that doesnt mean everyone in that particular area is the same,it would mean that we have been unlucky in coming across the minority in that instance.Or even just a mistake was made.