Bumped your Noggin?

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Über Member
Read up about present design, if you want "improved performance" ,then there are several points that need to be addressed:

Snag points and ventilation which cause rotation and arrest motion, may even cause ejection of the helmet

Poor facial protection

Decreasing amount of material to actually absorb the impact, making the helmet less effective

Increasing density of the remaining material, again decreasing the ability to absorb the energy of an impact
Helmets with better protection already exist - the difficulty is in making them light and providing good ventilation.


So what does it mean, genius?

Point taken :smile:

I'd inter4preted...
I'm designing a new type of helmet which should provide greatly improved performance over the current designs out there. I can't go into too much detail right now because the patent is only in draught form and not filed with the IPO yet.

as the OP was a long way down the design process, rather than they were at/near the start.

I could be wrong?


Active Member
So on one hand its good that there is a lot of experience of accidents out there (means that the data will be useful), but of course its really really bad also that there are so many accidents.!

Thanks to all for the responses, and I've taken the overall positive response as the green light to post up this:

(Don't suppose that those who have already posted up some details of their accident could have a look at the thread and respond to that also????)

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