Belly Button Fluff BBF (or Lowestoft to give it the more proper name) has a 2 stage parastic lifecycle.
It's primary habitat is the tumble-dryer, where adult BBF can be found in staggering amounts whilst mating. The eggs are deposited in the moist clothes being dried and the drying effect kick-starts the eggs-development into fresh BBF. Now, here's the clever parasitic bit, when the eggs hatch, the young BBF triggered by the body temp of the clothes wearer works it's way out of the clothing and moves towards the moist damp areas of the human body, the belly-button being the prefered choice (and all the strongest top quality and most sought after BBF is from the Belly button), the weaker material has to make do with the bum-crack or at worst, armpits. When the fluff reaches maturity and is ready to seek a mate, it simply re-attaches to the clothes, whereapon it is transported via the wash-basket to washer and finally to the tumble-dryer for mating. Once mated the old BBF starts to degrade into a fine dust. Male BBF is red, whilst female is blue, hence there is generally more female BBF in the population giving the blue perception. There are some rare-types where the red male is the majority. Why this is the case is unknown. Some think it is due to the rise of fabric conditioner.
FF 28-1-09