I'll try and simplify it the best that I can in laymans term. The body stores enough carbs for around 90mins of exercise I think is 400g area, In fat burning mode 60%mhr, the body can easily break down fats and turn it into carbs which means you can just plod along all day, as you get into the threshold mhr limits the body cannot break down the fats quickly enough so uses existing carbs/proteins already circulating in the body, as you are burning more carbs than your body break down from fat, the 400g store depletes rapidly, this is where the problems start, the body cant break down the fats quickly enough, while the fats are being broken down they are in acidic state, in threshold mhr limits the acidic fats get transported around the body, this is when you feel you legs burning, and you feel like crap, and your legs ache for days after.