Jim_Noir said:Up here in Glasgow, and I would think all of the UKs NHS would be the same, you just go along (for my local hospital it's a Wednesday) an wait for a physio to see you. Sure you could be there all day, but better than waiting months on end. To be honest when I had my ankle issue I found the Physio at the hospital shite... well more the fact she said stop running and stop your training. I then went to a ciropractor and two sessions with her helped (she was the one that told me to do yoga and pilates) and since then I have had not one joint or muscle issue (touch wood)
montage said:Not a chance is it the same!!
I have had to go private (get it really cheap though as I am a student) - and it is infact a chiropracter... but chiropracter...physio....same old same old
Jim_Noir said:I thought a Physio was muscle and a chirpracter was bones... or is it a chiropracter can charge more, for the same!
magnatom said:No a physio bases their work on science and best practice, a chiropractor bases their work on mumbo jumbo and hearsay....![]()
Yes, you need cast-iron proof and a deep pocket if you want to say anything about chiropractic that they don't like, otherwise they may sue you for libelcol said:You obviously have proof to make that statement?
coruskate said:Yes, you need cast-iron proof and a deep pocket if you want to say anything about chiropractic that they don't like, otherwise they may sue you for libel
You may disagree with me, but I think this is pretty crap: if they have a defensible position they should defend it in debate, not try to silence their critics
magnatom said:I bet this is a weakness in your Vastus Medialis Obliquus (VMO). I'm no expert, but I had problems with this following knee surgery. If this is the case then it is likely that the physio will have you doing exercises that require short squats, i.e. only bending you leg slightly. It is in this range of movement, that you use your VMO apparently. The VMO is the muscle on the inside front of the thigh that should pull your patella (knee cap) over to the centre
Sound like you might have Chondromalacia Patellae.