Budget Workhorse Required

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Hip Priest

I currently commute 9.53 miles per day on a knackered Ridgeback MTB that I bought in 2003, barely rode, then sold to a mate for £50.

He left it out in the rain for a couple of years then gave it me back, in a pitiful state, for nowt. It's done alright, all things considered, but understandably I'm toying with the idea of a new commuter bike.

My criteria:​
Must be quite cheap (I'm a pauper)​
Must be new (I want to look after it from birth)​
Must be flat-barred (I prefer flat-bars on the commute)​

I'm tempted to just slap £200 into the hand of my nearest Halford's till-jockey in exchange for a Carrera Subway, but I was wondering if you chaps and chappesses had anything more interesting to suggest.

Hit me.


Part time Anorak
West Yorkshire
Ive just bought a Raleigh Detour as an emergency backup which I purchased from Sports Direct of all places for £149.99 delivered. For a budget bike I really like it.....


Subway limited edition can be had for £175 at the moment.

I've been toying with the idea of buying one and then selling my current (from around 2008) Subway 1 on Fleabay. I reckon the difference could be as little as £75.
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