I have to sit on the fence on this one, I don't have both sides of the story. Let's just say theoretically, that the cyclist had to slow down suddenly, and that the Volvo driver hadn't realised the cyclist was slowing down. It makes the Volvo driver an inattentive prat, not an attempted murderer. I really dislike it when someone posts 'dashcam' type footage, then bleats on the Internet about the intent of the driver, without hearing the other side of the story. There was a cracking case in point on a T.V. show about car crashes that was on last night. A bike rider ( with obligatory helmet cam) had a coming together with a car, emerging from his left. Despite the riders admission, that the car wasn't doing what he thought it should ( that is to say, he thought there was something odd in the drivers behaviour) he continued to ride, at the same speed, and in the same position, then when the accident happened, it was all the drivers fault. It was the drivers fault ( legally speaking), but if the rider had any common sense, he would have at least slowed down a bit, and / or slightly changed his position. Sometimes ( not always) the rider could have done more than they did, to prevent the accident.