Brussel Sprouts

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Senior Member
I also love sprouts. Single cut into stem end and boil for 5 mins. But I like fairly raw veg and never tried no cuts is stem nor double cuts in stem. With Cottage Cheese (not boiled for 5 mins).

IME (And I do generally start eating sprouts once the are available, and continue to do so until they are no longer for sale) they do absolutely NOT need cross cutting to cook well. Probably 15 minutes is about optimal, not boiled to soggy mush but not crunchy raw. It's a fine balance.

I find that’s just about right, firm but cooked = sprout perfection

welsh dragon

Thanks but no thanks. I think I'll pass.
I like sprouts. I don't cut a cross into them. I cut them in half as sometimes bugs can be inside them.


unindicted co-conspirator
Fresh sprouts are not available where I live, so the only ones I've ever eaten were frozen or canned. I wasn't all that enthusiastic about them, but they were a nice change on occasion.

Over the last year I've bought several different brands, frozen or canned, and they all have a weird taste, like a cross between "iron" and bitter. The old ones just tasted like cabbage.

Most people don't seem to notice, so it either happened gradually or long enough ago they don't remember.
Fresh sprouts are not available where I live, so the only ones I've ever eaten were frozen or canned. I wasn't all that enthusiastic about them, but they were a nice change on occasion.

Over the last year I've bought several different brands, frozen or canned, and they all have a weird taste, like a cross between "iron" and bitter. The old ones just tasted like cabbage.

Most people don't seem to notice, so it either happened gradually or long enough ago they don't remember.

I get the frozen ones sometime - they are never as good as fresh

also - there are different types - apparently a long time ago there was only a small percentage of humans that liked them - it was actually a genetic thing
If you had certain genes then that would affect your taste buds and you would like them
otherwise they tasted bitter and not very nice
In the UK - and possibly other places that eat them a lot - then the version developed since then is the only one available
but elseqwhere they may still use the older types

or not

I say things based on what I have read - but sometimes I read rubbish or don't get all the details - so don;t take my thoughts as gospel!!!!!

(I should put that last bit on my signiture!!!)
(I should put that last bit on my signiture!!!)
So should many of us 😉


On my word everything was perfect.Sprout s,carrots and parsnips all roasted they tasted wonderful.I peeled the spuds for the roasties,I cut them smaller and it worked they were part boiled then in to the fryer.Golden brown and crisp but soft and fluffy.I cut extra in case they dropped while boiling,they did not so I had 8.ha ha.daughter seems to like red wine one of her pals deals in it.So we had a beautiful red wine.I have had a wonderful day..presents were two pair of long jimjams,three coffee gift cards and a Charles dickens hand made chocolate.our son had a snowman ice cube maker and he melted down a bar of chocolate and I got 20 chocolate snowmen,plus there was six blocks of dark chocolate.there is not much left.grandad stole the show.he gave the kids money.I knew what was coming so I filmed it their faces were a picture of shock,then hugs and kisses.


Cake or ice cream? The choice is endless ...
I had half a dozen lightly boiled, and several roast sprouts on yesterday's Christmas Dinner. There's still some left so they'll be part of whatever the leftover veg will turn into; probably curry.

@Conrad_K ....Tinned sprouts!!? 🤔
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