Brooks B17N Imperial: an ongoing review

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back and brave
jimboalee said:
Each time you stop, wipe some sweat off your brow and massage this into the leather.

That might be a problem. That means exerting myself! ;)


back and brave
110km today on the Brooks. I've been pootling on the fixed these last few weeks so I've not been on the Brooks for some time, and it did feel odd at first - too tow, but that soon passed as I got used to it. No slipping about either, so that's good.

There's actually little untoward to report, and it was as about as comfortable as one could expect, in that I'm forgetting about it. I get reminders of where my sit bones are periodically (so I know it's positioned correctly!) so I suspect it's just a matter of time until it's as worn and comfortable as the proverbial old glove. I have a sneaking suspicion I might be going to become a Brooks convert.

But, as an aside, these autumnal mornings are glorious (especially if you live in a heavily wooded area, as I do) and perfect weather for cycling. It's my favourite time of year; vibrant red and rustic brown trees, mist in the valleys, fauns confronting you on the road. It's a simple joy to cycle in such an environment and I feel a deep pleasure in just existing, being here to experience it. :laugh:
The cut out is definetly interesting Yello, the only bit not yet comfy on mine is the 'taint'. Saddle is creasing up there but it ain't collapsed enough yet. I wonder.....


back and brave
Today's 95km ride was mainly flat so it was a good test of saddle time.

I raised the saddle slightly since I again got the impression that it was too low. It felt spot on after that. I think the battle called 'breaking in' has commenced in earnest now. Today's flatter ride and the slight adjustment in height has meant that my sit bones are found with regularity by the leather. Not majorly uncomfortable but not something I'd want put up with either.

The next few hundred km will be interesting.

rich p

ridiculous old lush
Well as I reported elsewhere some time ago, my B17 got a soaking on a tour and never recovered it's shape. I have tried to remould it but the last 3 days in the saddle ona mini-tour have convinced me that it's had it's day for me. It will appear in Classifieds any day now!


yello said:
110km today on the Brooks. .... I get reminders of where my sit bones are periodically (so I know it's positioned correctly!) so I suspect it's just a matter of time until it's as worn and comfortable as the proverbial old glove.
Does yours have the three air holes in the top? You may find that after a while you develop three coincident callouses for an even more precise fit.


back and brave
ASC1951 said:
Does yours have the three air holes in the top? You may find that after a while you develop three coincident callouses for an even more precise fit.

It's one longish slit of variable width - so I guess the answer is no! I did feel it at first but not now.... and there are no corresponding marks on my backside!

Yesterday's 120km ride passed without discomfort. The battle of the sit bones continues so I guess the Brooks is still breaking in. Which is useful because it tells me where I should be sitting. That is, on the sit bones! I nudged the saddle forward slightly so that I more naturally/easily sit in that position without stretching too much. Problem is, I tend to move around on the saddle anyway so it's kind of difficult to know what my 'correct' position is!

I think I might have had a tendency in the past to ride with the saddle both a touch too high and too far back.... but I don't know now!

I'm trying to objectively remember whether my previous saddles have been more or less comfortable for 100km.... but I'm damned if I can! At some stage, I'm going to have to given it a real test... a 200km ride might be on the calendar for next week methinks.
Don't kid yourself about it's comfort Yello, it's easy to convince yourself that it will get better. You're review has caused me to reconsider mine, especially in the area of the 'taint'. I've been telling myself it'll break in but I've now decided to call it a day. Watch the For Sale section. Perhaps if i'd got the cutout (if they'd made it then) it might be OK but I'm not now going to waste any more time on Brooks.

rich p

ridiculous old lush
Well mine went in 'Classifieds' the other day and sold in no time. Good riddance I say. A touring saddle that takes forever to bed in and then may not suit anyway and it's not waterproof is a chocolate teapot as far as I'm concerned.


back and brave
rich p said:
A touring saddle that takes forever to bed in and then may not suit anyway and it's not waterproof is a chocolate teapot as far as I'm concerned.

Inclined to agree. That's just a wee bit of a disadvantage!

Personally, I think my Brooks will work for me and my backside... in time. It feels right, it's not uncomfortable. I would feel slightly more reassured if I saw the infamous dimples starting to appear in the leather but I'm certainly not pessimistic. Quite the opposite.

leyton condor

I need to get a new saddle for my road bike and was considering a Brooks.

Do the people who get on with Brooks saddles fit into any kind of category i.e. tall and thin and light or are they heavier riders.

I am of the tall and skinny variety. Do I qualify?

Gerry Attrick

Lincolnshire Mountain Rescue Consultant
leyton condor said:
I need to get a new saddle for my road bike and was considering a Brooks.

Do the people who get on with Brooks saddles fit into any kind of category i.e. tall and thin and light or are they heavier riders.

I am of the tall and skinny variety. Do I qualify?
I'm 5ft 10in and 11 stone. My B17 is the comfiest thing next to an armchair!


back and brave
leyton condor said:
Do the people who get on with Brooks saddles fit into any kind of category i.e. tall and thin and light or are they heavier riders.

Were it that simple. I'm afraid not, not as far as I know anyway.

Sadly, I think there's only one real test and that's 'buy it and try it'. Fortunately, the Brooks have probably the best re-sale market of any saddle so if you don't get on with one then there is a good chance of getting at least some of the money back.

For what it's worth, I'm 1.7m tall (5'7") and 74kg (11 stone 7). On the Specialized botty size tool, I'd take a 143, or medium, BG saddle.


Somerset UK
leyton condor said:
Do the people who get on with Brooks saddles fit into any kind of category i.e. tall and thin and light or are they heavier riders.

No idea what makes the difference.

I was 5' 10" and 11 1/2 stone when I first used one, now I'm 5' 10", nearly 14 stone and a very different shape, my 4th one is still fairly new and is just as comfortable as the first one was.

I've always found them comfortable from minute 1 onwards, and if they weren't I'd try something else.
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