Brompton security when locked up?

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Über Member
South of hades
alas,the brompton is catnip to the sticky fingers brigade.
Keep a box or bag at work ,problem solved.
Can you find out specifically what your employer objects to - space used up, trip hazard for others, dirt from wheels or chain oil etc?
It may be as simple as finding a place to store it where it will not be a risk to others, nor unsightly in public view etc.

Putting it in a ridgid case or soft closable bag which you left at the office could be an acceptable compromise for safetly and tidiness.


Kilometre nibbler
The OP has not revisited this post since November last year.

I won't let that put me off. I hadn't noticed this thread first time round.

I've twice been in this situation (Bromptons not permitted in the office). First time I wasn't so bothered as the storage shed was very inaccessible and only I and one other person used it at the time. You had to get security to configure your access card to let you in. I had a D lock that lived in the shed. Second time I just gave up, the ride in wasn't particularly pleasant so I reverted to train and walking, which I still do, and actually prefer it to cycling. And now I have my Old Man card it's cheaper than it used to be.


I lock mine to a central heating pipe adjacent to my work desk. Not a d lock but a whippy cable lock. I usually keep this to hand when riding in certain parts on London.
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