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You might be interested in this book:No, but as someone here said to me, an National Socialist Germany winning the war would have ultimately been worse for everyone
Imagine the Holocaust continuing because the camps were not liberated, decades of atrocities in Europe and gradual acceptance of antisemitism, which was present all over Europe. Ultimately the destruction of the Third Reich and Götterdammerung would have happened, maybe a generation later after many more millions of "undesirables" had been slaughtered, but it would have come; very few nations survive the fall of their empire.
(This is speculation, but a generation later and after decades of Faschism, would there have been men like Schumann and Brandt to work for forgiveness and reconciliation, or would a ruined Europe have been squabbling over the remains and easy pickings for a communist takeover?)
Amazon product ASIN 1785785613View: https://www.amazon.co.uk/Hitlers-British-Traitors-Saboteurs-Columnists/dp/1785785613/ref=pd_sbs_1/262-8506315-3945739?pd_rd_w=mgOzi&pf_rd_p=81b5b96c-ae50-4587-83b6-6d89886bbdbf&pf_rd_r=NMMQ0FZC0VY05JRBDMCW&pd_rd_r=7fab822e-d956-4557-9953-808d3cfcd29e&pd_rd_wg=olGIF&pd_rd_i=1785785613&psc=1
Rather exposes the myth that British opposition was total.
Also shines a very powerful searchlight on the way the British justice system was very heavily influenced by class on this issue.
Britain can be rightly proud of its stance in WW2, but the full picture is rather murky.