I drop my eggs in a special coddling sock I made from a pond liner and some waxed thread. This in turn goes into the hot water bottle in the bed. If I get up early - about eight minutes after I drop off - I can reach for my nicely coddled egg before I get up. I sometimes pop a teabag in the hot water bottle water while I’m at the kettle, so I can wash down my egg. Saves so much time.
A (small) bowl* of cereal or porridge, sometimes I prefer toast/peanut butter, should be fine.
If you eat as soon as you wake, then sort the bike and kit out, then perform the mornings ablutions, the food should have had time to settle.
*After many decades I’ve realised my portion was double or triple what I actually needed. A big bowl of cereal could make me uncomfortable on a hard ride.